Thursday, December 17, 2009

Монголын Хөлбөмбөгийн Холбоо I хэсэг

Орчин үед улс орны хөгжлийн нэг ангилал нь яах аргагүй спорт болоод байгаа гэдэгт хэн ч маргахгүй. Ялангуяа хөлбөмбөг бүр онцгой нөлөөтэй. 2006 онд Германд болсон Хөлбөмбөгийн Дэлхийн аварга үүнийг батлах мэт. Нэг сарын турш дэлхийн нүд чих алаг бөмбөг дээр төвлөрч байхад бид ч яаж дутахав, очиж үзээгүй орныхоо далбааг нүүрэндээ зуруулчихсан, өөртэй нь ямар ч хамаагүй тамирчдыг балиашиглаж, өмнөөс нь уйлж харамсаж байх нь нэг талаар сайхан ч, нөгөө талаар эмгэнэлтэй. Хэдий болтол харийн улсыг дэмжиж явах билээ. Би Монголын шигшээ багийг Дэлхийн аваргад тоглосонгүй гэж хэлэх гэж байгаа юм биш, тэгж зүрхлэх ч үгүй.

Харин бид өнөөдрийг болтол Америкийн цэргийн бааз Гуам, Хятадын зугаа цэнгэлийн хот Макаотой ривал (өрсөлдөгчид)-ууд болоод явж байх юм. Ядаж тусгаар тогтносон албан ёсоор дэлхийд “хүлээн зөвшөөрөгдсөн” улс хожиж үзмээр байна.

Олимпийн Их наадмыг үзэгч, өрсөлдөөн, мөнгө санхүү, нэр хүнд, телевизийн шууд дамжуулах эрх, гишүүн орон гээд бүхий л төрлөөр хол хаядаг Олон Улсын Хөлбөмбөгийн холбоо (ОУХБХ - FIFA) хөлбөмбөгийн хөгжил нь удааширалтай, зогсонги, улсаас нь харж үздэггүй, санхүүгийн болон эд материалын эх үүсвэр багатай орнуудад ихээхэн хаялагтай байдаг. Удирдлага нь зөв менежмент бодлого явуулж чадвал хөгжихөд тийм ч хэцүү биш гэдгийг Ангол, Ардчилсан Конго, Сальвадор, Гвадэлуп, Малави, Того зэрэг улсаас харж болно. Манай улс 1998 оноос хойш Зүүн Ази (EAFF), Ази (AFF), Олон Улсын хөлбөмбөгийн холбоонд нэгдсэнээр Монгол руу орж ирэх мөнгөн болон эд материалын тусламж бороо шиг л цутгасан юм. Гэхдээ энэ талаар хөлбөмбөгчид нь ч өөрсдөө саяханыг хүртэл мэддэггүй байсан нь харамсалтай.

“ Гоол” төсөл

ОУХБХ ядуу буурай орнууддаа хөлбөмбөгийн спортыг хөгжүүлэх зорилгоор “Гоол” төслийг 100 гаруй оронд хэрэгжүүлж ирсэний нэг нь манай улс болж , 2001-10-29-ны өдөр Монголд дэлхийн стандартын шаардлага хангасан хиймэл зүлэгтэй цэнгэлдэх хүрээлэн барьж өгөх төсөл батлагдаж 450 000 мянган ам.доллар эхний ээлжинд орж ирэв ( эндээс харна уу). Нарийн бичиг Б.Ганболд “Таван цагариг” сонины 2001-09-26-ны өдрийн № 324-т өгсөн ярилцлагадаа “Бидэнд 40 000 хүний суудалтай цэнгэлдэх хүрээлэн барьж өгнө, нээлтийн үйл ажиллагаанд Пэлэ, Марадона, Платини, Круйфф нар ирж оролцоно, Англиас 3000 ам.долларын цалинтай 2 дасгалжуулагч ирж, бүх зардалыг ОУХБХ-ноос хариуцна” гэж хэлж билээ. Гэтэл одоо баригдчихсан байгаа нь 40 000 биш 4 000 хүний ч багтаамжгүй байгаа нь ам ажил хоёрын тэнгэр газар шиг зөрөөг харуулж байна. Төслийн дараагийн санхүүжилт 2004-09-22 онд батлагдаж 400 000 ам.доллар орж ирлээ. ( эндээс харна уу). Гоол төслийн хүрээнд орж ирсэн эд материалын зүйлсийг дурьдвал үүнээс их тоо гарна. Үндсэн хөлбөмбөгөө дагаад футзал, эмэгтэйчүүд, элсний хөлбөмбөгийн төрлүүд орж ирдгийн эхнийх 5000 хүний багтаамжтай Футзалны битүү дээвэртэй ордоны төсөл 2007-03-21-нд батлагдаж 1 сая ам.долларын хөрөнгө оруулалт орж ирсэн байна. ( эндээс харна уу). Дээрх мөнгөн дүн (нийт 1.850.000 ам.доллар) зөвхөн албан ёсоор дээр тавигдсан байна. Үүнээс гадна хичнээн их мөнгөн урсгал орж ирдэг гэж бодно. Жил бүр Ази, Зүүн Ази, Олон улсын хөлбөмбөгийн холбоо, Герман, Өмнөд Солонгос, Японоос бэлэг дурсгал, видео кассет, бөмбөг, хувцас хэрэглэл, тэтгэмж тасрахгүй. Азийн хөлбөмбөгийн холбооны ерөнхийлөгч Бин Хамман жилд 250 000 долларыг танай оронд хөлбөмбөг хөгжүүлэхэд (зөвхөн АХБХ-ноос) зориулан өгдөг гэж ногоон талбайн нээлтэнд ирэхдээ хэлж байсан билээ. Тэмцээний шагналд үргэлж гадны тусламжаар ирсэн бэлгийг өгнө. Анх санхүүгийн эх үүсвэр байхгүй гээд МХБХ-ныхон гаднаас цалинждаг байлаа. Бөмбөг, хувцас, хэрэглэл, сургалт семинар, тэмцээний шагнал, түрээсийн мөнгө, гадагшаа явах тэмцээний зардал гээд биднээс юу ч гарахгүй байсаар байтал тэр их мөнгө хаашаа хэний гараар алга болоод урсаад байна вэ?

Монголын удирдлагууд спортоо Топ-4 гэж ялгасны “ачаар” бусад спорт нь хаягдсан. Монголын Олимпт ордог чөлөөт бөх, бокс, жудо бөхийн холбоонд өөрсдийн гэх ордон байхгүй. Спортын төв ордондоо л байрлаж улсаар тэтгүүлдэг. Хөлбөмбөг бол юу ч дутагдсан бариад л, байгуулаад л, батлаад л өгдөг бараг 100 хувь гаднаас санхүүждэг ганц холбоо.

Монголчуудын хамгийн их үздэг спорт юу вэ?

Хөлбөмбөг яалт ч үгүй тэргүүлэх нь ойлгомжтой. Бөх, бокс гээд амжилт гаргадаг төрлүүдээс Монгол тамирчдаа л харна уу гэхээс бусдыг нь тоож үзэх ч үгүй. Хөлбөмбөгийн тамирчдыг харин ч нэг ёоз ёозоор нь хэлэх байлгүй. Хувцсыг нь ч төрөл бүрээр нь өмссөн хүүхдүүдийг зунжин л хардаг биз. Интэрнэтээр спортын худалдаа хийхэд хөлбөмбөгийн өмсгөл, бөмбөг, пүүз, гарын үсэг, бэлэг дурсгалын зүйлсийг манайхан хамгийн ихээр захиалсан байх юм. Хэд хоногийн өмнө 4 дэх удаагийн нээлтээ хийсэн Дуулиан -2020 тэмцээнд 239 багийн 2868 тамирчин оролцож байна (МХБХ-ноос биш Их Талын Дуулиан ТББ-ын зохион байгуулж буй тэмцээн). Монголд ийм олон хүүхэд зөвхөн Улаанбаатараас оролцож байгаа нь улсын хэмжээний ямарч тэмцээнийг бараа сураггуй хол хаяна. Хөлбөмбөгийн Улсын аварга хаана нь ч хүрэхгүй. Бүхий л телевиз хөлбөмбөгийн тоглолтуудыг оргил цагаараа гаргахыг зорих болов. Хөлбөмбөг үзүүлдэг үйлчилгээнийн газар, төрөл бүрийн номын тоо борооний дараах мөөг шиг олширч, спортын суваг нь гарахаа больсон Сүпэр Вижн телевизийн утасны хонх эвдрэх нь холгүй байна.

Дэлхийн II дайны дараах тусгаар тогтносон улсуудын Үндэсний спорт нь хөлбөмбөг болж байлаа. Япончууд сүмо, бэйсболтойгоо эн зэрэгцүүлэх болов. Удахгүй нэг номерийн спорт нь болно. Учир нь1990 онд Наран улсынхан хөлбөмбөг гэж бараг сонсоо ч үгүй байсан юм чинь. Солонгос киноны одууд хөлбөмбөгчидтэй суух нь сүүлийн жилүүдэд эрс өссөн нь Европыг санагдуулам. Олон ч улс, үндэсний спортоо хөлбөмбөгт “алдаж” байсан. Үнэхээр ард олныхон дийлэнх хувь нь сонирхоод үзээд байхад арга байж уу. Одоо манайд яг энэ давалгаа орж ирж байна. Тиймээс Монголд хөлбөмбөг хөгжихөд ямар ч бэрхшээл алга. Үзэгчдийн сонирхол, мэдлэг өндөр түвшинд очсон ч хөлбөмбөг хөгжихгүй байгаа нь Монголын хөлбөмбөгийн холбоотой асуудал салшгүй холбоотой.

Үргэлжлэл бий
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Thursday, December 10, 2009

Монгол Улсын Иргэний Нисэх Ажиглалтын системтэй боллоо

ИНЕГ-ын удирдлагууд иргэний нисэхийн салбарт хийгдэж буй томоохон ажлын нэг болох бодит ажиглалтын системийн барилга байгууламж, тоног төхөөрөмжүүдтэй танилцаж байна.

"Бодит ажиглалтын систем 3 ширхэг, DVOR/DME тоног төхөөрөмж 4 ширхэгийг худалдан авах, нийлүүлэх, суурилуулах, үүнтэй уялдсан барилга байгууламж, цахилгаан эрчим хүч, авто зам, байгаль орчны үнэлгээ зэрэг холбогдох дэд бүтцийн хамт гүйцэтгэх төсөл"-ийн ажил хэрэгжиж Техникийн болон Улсын комисс хүлээн авсантай холбогдуулан ИНЕГ-аас төслийн гүйцэтгэгч "Индра & Орбитнет ХХК" консерциумтэй байгуулсан гэрээг дүгнэх ажил хийгдэж байна.

ИНЕГ-аас дээрх гэрээт ажлыг техникийн шаардлага, гэрээний нөхцлийн дагуу шалган хүлээж авах комиссыг Аэронавигацийн мэргэжлийн хэлтсийн ахлах мэргэжилтэн Я.Ариунбатаар ахлуулан байгууллаа.

Энэ ажлын хүрээнд 2009.11.27-ны өдөр ИНЕГ-ын болон холбогдох үйлдвэрлэлийн алба салбарын удирдлагууд Төв аймгийн Алтанбулаг сумын Мөнх-Өлзийт ууланд байрлах локаторын барилга байгууламж, тоног төхөөрөмжтэй биечлэн танилцав.

Нислэгийн аюулгүй байдал, агаарын зайн багтаамжийг нэмэгдүүлэх, үйлчилгээний чанарыг сайжруулах чиглэлээр дээрхи тоног төхөөрөмжүүдийг бүрэн дүүрэн ашиглах, нислэгийн хөдөлгөөний удирдлагыг бодит ажиглалт буюу "харж удирдах" аргачлалд богино хугацаанд шилжүүлэх шилжилтийн төлөвлөгөө гаргах, үйлдвэрлэлд ашиглах талаар ИНЕГ-ын дарга холбогдох албан тушаалтнуудад тодорхой чиглэл, үүрэг даалгавар өгөв.

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Friday, December 4, 2009

Gerard Pique: Barcelona Are Looking To Win All Titles

The central defender is happy with the expectation on his side.

The Blaugrana currently sit atop the Primera Liga with a five point cushion and can secure their place in the knockout stages of the UEFA Champions League with a win over Dynamo Kiev next week to keep their title defences very much on track.

"The team is going for all titles, game by game we try to show this," he told El Mundo Deportivo.

The central defender also declared that he would also be happy to see the expectation that is on his side this year continue for many years to come.

Barcelona defender Gerard Pique has declared that his team have the same motivation as last season and will look to repeat the success that saw them collect five trophies in 2009.

"I would love it if every year this same level of expectation continued as it would mean that the previous year we won titles," he noted.

Barcelona will look to maintain their five point lead this weekend with a win over Deportivo La Coruna at the Riazor.
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Monday, November 30, 2009

El Clasico Analysis: Has Ibrahimovic Won Barcelona Hearts?’s KS Leong looks back at yet another intriguing but not spectacular El Clasico blockbuster.

It was a game that was never going to live up to its extra-terrestrial hype. It wasn’t the masterpiece or a classic Barcelona vs Real Madrid encounter, there was no jaw-dropping scoreline or any outrageous moves to imitate in the playground tomorrow morning, but instead, it was everything you expected it to be… just.

It wasn’t a dull or a disappointing game by any means and in many ways, it was a strange Clasico. The fouls and the rough-housing were there, there were red cards, there were entertainment and of course, there was a goal, but each time it promised to rocket into another level of excitement, it just got pegged back down.

Lionel Messi pulled out his bag of party tricks as usual, causing unadulterated mayhem in the Madrid backline almost every time he touched the ball, but it wasn’t a performance that will be remembered until eternity. His personal nemesis, Cristiano Ronaldo showed some glints of brilliance with his bursts of speed to glide past one opponent, but he never had enough in the tank to take it past the second.

Victor Valdes and Iker Casillas each pulled off stunning near identical saves against ‘CR9’ and ‘El Mesias’ respectively, but neither will probably be remembered as the saviors.

CR9 didn't leave anyone head over heels

Andres Iniesta was crafty as always, finding 101 ways to wiggle past tight spaces, only to be hacked down 102 times. Kaka meanwhile, was always on the cusp of pulling off something astonishing, but it would never quite happen. The Brazilian disappeared for large parts of the game, and although he hasn’t lost any of his dribbling touches, he was always too slow with his movement when collaborating with a team-mate, as if he’s still stuck in the Serie A mindset.

Lassana Diarra was by far Madrid’s best player, even turning into the swashbuckling winger on a few occasions, but his evening was sullied by his sending off in the 90th minute. Like the general that he is, he gladly took one for the team, but it was a dismissal that knocked the wind out of the White Storm after putting up such a gallant fight.

But who would’ve thought that the star of El Clasico would be a defender: Carles Puyol. The Barca captain made at least three critical blocks and countless other vital interceptions and he was easily the man of the match.

The man of the moment, however, surely has to be Zlatan Ibrahimovic. Many believed that he would have to take years to fill Samuel Eto’o’s shoes and maybe even longer to warm up to the cules but after becoming the sole hero in tonight’s contest, he may very well have become the newest Catalan sweetheart.

'El Mesias' parts the White Sea

Madrid may have lost, but there was certainly no shame in the defeat. Besides, there are very few things that could’ve been more shameful than ‘The 6-2’. And in the long run, they may even have unveiled to the world a way of fighting fire with fire against Barcelona.

Pep Guardiola has lost his fair share of games since taking over the Camp Nou hot-seat, but none of the continent’s elite that he has faced-off with before have dared to take his side on pound for pound. Manchester United, Chelsea, Inter and Madrid themselves have all had to adopt the ‘park the bus’ approach in various past encounters which yielded mixed results, but Pellegrini showed today there’s a way to stare the beast in the face.

In the first half, the Merengues looked the better and more threatening side. Their passing was sharper, they pressured Barcelona, made them nervous and forced them to commit uncharacteristic errors, and they created the better scoring opportunities.

The Blaugrana duly regained control and composure in the second half and re-established their usual dominance, but after Sergio Busquets’ sending off, they looked apprehensive again, even prompting Puyol at one point to hack the ball clear at the back when his side was under siege. Barcelona? Taking the “anywhere will do” route? It must be the end of the world!

But in truth, there was no El Clasico masterclass by either side and no footballing clinic. Barca didn’t teach Madrid a lesson, Madrid didn’t send shock waves around the world by defeating their arch nemesis and neither Leo nor Cristiano could elevate their god-like status to the next level… whatever it may be. Well, there’s always the weekend of April 10 to look forward to.

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Saturday, November 28, 2009

Роналду эргэн ирж, Реал хожлоо

Эзэн хааны баг ”Эль Класико”-гийн өмнө ялалт байгуулж Аваргуудын лигийн дараагийн шатанд санаа зовохгүй боллоо.

Удаан хугацааны турш бэртэлтэй байсан К.Роналду энэ тоглолтонд 20 минут тоглож бүрэн эдгэрсэн гэдгээ батлав. Бүр гоол оруулах дөхсөн ч эцсийн мөчид Цюрихийн хаалгач багаа аварсан юм. Тоглолтын цорын ганц гоолыг Аргентини мэргэн бууч Гонзало Игуаин 21 дэх минутад багтаа авчиржээ.
Хэрвээ Милан өрсөлдөгчөө ялсан бол Реалын өмнө орж хэсгээ тэргүүлэх боломжтой байсан ч талбайдаа бас л ялалт байгуулж чадсангүй.

Марко Боррьело багтаа тэргүүллийг авчирсан ч Лучо Гонзалез нэг онооны үнэ цэнэтэй гоолыг Францчуудад бэлэглэсэн юм.
Тоглолтын турш Милан 15 удаа хаалгар руу цохисон бол зочид 14 удаа Дидаг шалгаад амжжээ. Мөн тус бүр 8 удаа булангийн цохилт гүйцэтгэж, бөмбөг эзэмшилт нь ч тун ойролцоо байна. Тиймээс энэ үр дүн хэн хэндээ шударга зүйл болсон байх. Миланы тухай таагүй мэдээ дуулгахад Дэвид Бекхэмийн ирэх сард хийгдэх шилжилт асуудалтай тулгарчээ.

MLS-ийн цомын финалд ялагдсаны дараа Бекс маш их сэтгэлээр унаж бэлтгэл сургуулилтаа ч тас хаяад байгаа учраас одоохондоо өндөр хэмжээнд тоглож чадахгүй гэж түүний агент ярьсан байна. Мөн шагайны бага зэргийн бэртэл ч түүнд нэрмээс болж байгаа бололтой.

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Агуу тулааны өмнө

Эль Классикогийн өмнө сонин хэвлэлээр нэг нэгэн рүүгээ дайрсан мэдэгдлүүд тасрахгүй байна. Тухайлбал Барсагийн домогт тоглогч Иохан Круйфф “Sport” сонинд өгсөн ярилцлагандаа:

”Барсагийн тоглолт бусад багуудааас илүү гэдэг нь тоглолт болгонд харагдаж байгаа. Реалаас бараг 1000 дахин илүү байх шүү. Гэхдээ ням гаригт юу болохыг тэр өдрийн тэнгэр л мэдэх байх” гэсэн бол Эзэн хааны багийн хамгаалагч Пепе ”Бид нар Барсагаас огтхон ч айхгүй байна. Ноу Кампт очоод тоглодгоороо тоглоод л хожно. Гол нь тэдний гол тоглогчид болох Чави, Иниеста нар дээр анхаарлаа хандуулах хэрэгтэй” гэж ярьсан байна.
Харин Барсагийн ахлагч хоёр багийн ялах магадлалыг тавь тавин хувьтай гэж үзэж байгаа юм байна. ”Интерийг ялснаар манай багийнхан сэтгэлзүйн хувьд маш өөдрөг болж чадсан. Магадгүй зарим хүмүүс Реалыг илүү ялах магадлалтай гэж бодож байгаа байх. Гэхдээ тоглолт манай цэнгэлдэхэд болно гэдгийг мартаж болохгүй”.

Барсагийн домогт тоглогчдын нэг байсан Гари Линекер Эль Классикогийн тухай дурсамжаасаа ийнхүү өгүүлж байна ”Реалын эсрэг Ноу Кампад тоглосон анхны тоглолтоо би ерөөсөө мартдаггүй юм. Тэр тоглолтын эхний 5 минутад л би 2 гоол оруулж байж билээ. 120,000 фенүүд нэгэн зэрэг уухайлаад л үнэхээр сүрдмээр шүү дээ Класико гэдэг чинь . Бусад тоглолттой харьцуулах ч аргагүй. Каталонд одоо ч гэсэн Генерал Франкогийн дарангуйллаас үлдсэн үзэн ядалт байдаг. Энэ тоглолтыг үзнэ гэдэг маш том боломж шүү дээ. Би үргэлж Барсаг дэмжсээр ирсэн, ялангуяа Реалын эсрэг тоглож байхад. Манайхан ялж чадна гэдэгт итгэлтэй байна”
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EXCLUSIVE: Real Madrid Midfielder Xabi Alonso Ready For Barcelona Battle

Real Madrid's Xabi Alonso begins the countdown to Sunday's El Clasico at the Camp Nou. In Part One of an exclusive interview with, the midfield maestro shares his thoughts ahead of the big clash...

Xabi Alonso's vision and cultured play, has distinguished himself as one of the most original and unique midfielders of recent times. Real Madrid president Florentino Perez described Alonso as being the conductor for the orchestra. And if there are any doubts about that, then go ask the nearest Liverpool fan you can find.

Speaking to's Ashish Sharma in an interview, which will also be featured on the BBC's flagship television football show, Football Focus, Alonso spoke about playing in his first El Clasico.

"We know it's a massive game for us on Sunday, but after the Champions league game in midweek, we have been recovering from that big effort, and we are focused and ready for this game," he said.

Perhaps it's a slight surprise that Madrid go into the encounter on top of La Liga for the first time in over a year. Los Blancos are one point clear of their rivals, but does that put more pressure on the team?

"No I think that it's quite similar. The pressure is always there because although it's not a decisive game, we know it's an important one because psychologically it can have an effect. Hopefully it will have a positive effect on our side."

The game will be the most expensive in the history of football given the value of some of the players who are likely to feature. Cristiano Ronaldo is back from injury and will be hoping to join forces with Alonso and Kaka in the starting lineup. Barcelona are also hoping that Zlatan Ibrahimovic and Lionel Messi will have recovered from their injuries. The high profile nature of the encounter hasn't escaped Alonso's attention.

"It's really exciting for the fans. The whole country will keep an eye on the game," Alonso continued. "The whole build up always has so many expectations. There are so many interviews, so much talk about the game, and all over the world there will lots of viewers I am sure of that.

"Both sides have some great players of course. Barcelona last season achieved something amazing in winning the treble. We are also on a different project with new players, a new coach and a new president. It takes some time to get that foundation which they have had for a few years."

So does this explain the criticism which has been handed out to Real Madrid for their indifferent performances so far this season, when compared to Barcelona's appealing style of play?

"I prefer not to compare teams because it's not fair at all. Look, both clubs are run in different ways, they have different players. And as I have said they have had a solid base while we are just starting a new project. We play in a different way but we both hope to achieve the same results, which is winning titles."

Alonso is honest enough not to shirk any responsibility for the team. He disagrees that having a side with several star players who joined all at once, has made the process of gelling that much more difficult.

"No, it's not more difficult because of that. Of course it's better to have good players to build a better team. But to build a team you need to have time," he quipped. "You need to have the same ideas to work as a team, to have a good team spirit. And you don't get there in a day or even a month. It takes some time to get there."

The midfielder is also realistic and accepts that most pundits are predicting a Barcelona victory

"We know what is the reality. We know that the game will be quite close and that we have to be on top of them and to be at our best to get something positive out of it," he said. "But if they are considered the favourites then we are not uncomfortable with that situation."

Alonso also admits that he and Kaka have talked at length about the famous Champions League final in 2005. Liverpool were trailing 3-0 at half-time and fought back in the second 45 minutes to eventually win on penalties.

"Of course we had a conversation about that match. It was such a special final for both sides, from the positive side for us and the negative side for them. But they took their revenge two years later, so he isn't sad at all. If it had just been that final he would have had that pain in his heart.

"Yeah but they were devastated and gutted after the game," Alonso went on to add. "They thought they had a massive advantage at half-time. But then that's football."

And football being what it is, while some may feel that the odds are stacked against Los Blancos coming away with anything from the Camp Nou, no one within the club itself would be surprised, if they went four points clear of their Catalan rivals, come Sunday night.
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Dani Alves: I Hope Cristiano Ronaldo Plays Against Barcelona

The Brazilian wants both teams to be at full strength. He also believes los Blancos will arrive in Catalunya with a burning desire for revenge.

Dani Alves hopes that Cristiano Ronaldo is able to play for Real Madrid against Barcelona to ensure that el Clasico is played by the best players on both teams.
The Portuguese has vowed to play through the pain barrier in order to experience his first taste of one of the world's biggest derbies, and for the Blaugrana defender that is good news.

"I want him to be there in Camp Nou on Sunday because in huge games like this all the best players should play," AS quoted him as saying.

"We will decide the Clasico with our domination."

Alves believes that the Madrid players who were at the club last term will still be hurt by the incredible 6-2 win that Barcelona achieved in the Santiago Bernabeu.

"If I played for Real Madrid I would be coming to Camp Nou with a great desire for revenge after that result, but I think they will also come and show respect," he continued.

"With games like the one we played against Inter, we have shown how great Barca can be.

"We were also able to show that we are not the least bit fearful of games like the one on Tuesday, despite the important players who did not play."

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Friday, November 27, 2009

Real Madrid Defender Pepe Insists His Team Don't Fear Barcelona

The Portuguese international says they will show they can beat Barca at Camp Nou...

Real Madrid central defender Pepe says his team will not fear Barcelona in El Clasico and also says Los Merengues are going to show that they can win at Camp Nou.

Madrid travel to Catalunya in search of just their third league win in 25 attempts but Pepe is confident that his side can collect all three points.
"We are not afraid of anyone. We will go to Barcelona to play our game, to win. We shall show that we are able to win against Barca at Camp Nou," he told Marca.

"With the players we have we can not go backwards, we must go for them, look them in the face."

The Portuguese centre back also said that in order to beat the champions on their own turf, his team must stifle the influence of Xavi and Andres Iniesta, who he feels are the heartbeat of the team.

"We must be smart, be very focused. Iniesta and Xavi are very important, we must avoid letting them have time to think. They are vital to Barcelona," he added.

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Adriana Francesca Lima

Adriana Francesca Lima (born June 12, 1981) is a Brazilian model best known as a Victoria's Secret Angel since 2000 and a spokesmodel for Maybelline cosmetics from 2003 to 2009. At age 15, Lima finished first place in Ford's "Supermodel of Brazil" competition and took second place the following year in the Ford "Supermodel of the World" competition before signing with Elite Model Management in New York City.


Lima never thought about being a model, although she had won many beauty pageants in elementary school. However, she had a friend at school who wanted to enter a modeling contest and didn't want to enter alone, so Lima entered with her. Both sent in pictures, and the contest sponsor soon asked Lima to come out for the competition. Soon after, at the age of 15, she entered and finished in first place in Ford's "Supermodel of Brazil" model search. She subsequently entered the 1996 Ford "Supermodel of the World" contest and finished in second place. Three years later, Lima moved to New York City and signed with Elite Model Management. After acquiring representation, Lima's modeling portfolio quickly began to expand, and she appeared in numerous international editions of Vogue and Marie Claire. As a runway model, she has walked the catwalks for designers such as Vera Wang, Christian Lacroix, Emanuel Ungaro, Giorgio Armani, Fendi, Ralph Lauren and Valentino, among others. Lima became a GUESS? girl in 2000, appearing in that year's fall ad campaign. She also appeared in the book A Second Decade of Guess? Images.

Lima continued to build upon her portfolio, doing more print work for Maybelline, for whom she worked as a spokesmodel from 2003 until 2009, the same year she appeared in the company's first calendar, a limited edition run also featuring Kemp Muhl, Jessica White, Julia Stegner, and Anna Wang. Lima has also worked for notable fashion brands bebe, Mossimo, Armani, Bulgari, De Beers, FCUK, Intimissimi, Keds, Swatch, Versace, and BCBG. She also appeared on the covers and in the editorials of other fashion magazines such as Harper's Bazaar, ELLE, GQ, Arena, Cosmopolitan, and Esquire. Her April 2006 GQ cover was the highest-selling issue that magazine for the year, while her April 2008 cover brought a record number of hits to the magazine's website.[citation needed] She also appeared in the 2005 Pirelli Calendarand became the face of Italy's cell phone carrier, Telecom Italia Mobile, a move that earned her the nickname, "the Catherine Zeta-Jones of Italy."

In 2006, São Paulo Fashion Week released a calendar featuring twenty-five Brazilian models, including Lima. The calendar was accompanied by a movie containing interviews with the models, which was broadcasted at GNT in Brazil and then hit the shelves as a DVD.[citation needed]

In February 2008, she was featured on the cover of Esquire, re-creating the classic 1966 Angie Dickinson cover on Esquire's 75th anniversary along with fellow Victoria's Secret Angels Alessandra Ambrosio, Karolina Kurkova, Izabel Goulart and Selita Ebanks. She appeared only in shoes, diamonds and gloves for the November 2007 issue of Vanity Fair celebrating 20 years of supermodels with her fellow Angels. In February 2008, she was chosen to be the face of Mexico's Liverpool department store chain and launched the partnership with a press conference, runway show, and summer campaign. Lima returned to the high fashion runway in 2009, walking for Givenchy. That same year, after visiting Turkey, Lima signed a contract with Doritos to appear in print campaigns and commercials which began airing in Turkey in April. She is also one of the faces of Givenchy for the Fall/Winter 2009 season, alongside Mariacarla Boscono and Iris Strubegger.

In 2006, Lima ranked as the fifth highest paid supermodel. In 2007 and 2008, she ranked as the world's fourth highest paid supermodel by Forbes Magazine.

Victoria's Secret

Lima is probably best known for her work with Victoria's Secret. Her first fashion show for the company came in 1999, and since being contracted as an Angel in 2000, she has appeared on subsequent shows ever since, opening the show in 2003, 2007, and 2008, in which she also closed the opening segment. Lima has appeared on several television ads for the brand, including the praised and criticized "Angel in Venice" commercial of 2003 with Bob Dylan and her solo Victoria's Secret's Super Bowl XLII ad, the single most-seen ad of the game, watched by 103.7 million viewers. 2008 continued for Lima with hosting the What Is Sexy? program for the E! Entertainment Network and a July tour for the BioFit Uplift Bra launch, with stops in Long Island, Boston, and Miami Beach. She was also featured in November's Miracle Bra relaunch. Topping the year off, Lima wore the "Fantasy Bra" for the 2008 Victoria's Secret Fashion Show. In 2009, Lima launched the company's new makeup line, "Christian Siriano for VS Makeup."


Lima's first acting role was the wife, alongside Mickey Rourke and Forest Whitaker, in The Follow (2001), a short film in BMW's series The Hire, starring Clive Owen. She also appeared with her fellow Angels in a guest spot playing herself in the series How I Met Your Mother in November 2007.

In 2008, Lima appeared on the American television series Ugly Betty, where she played herself and made friends with the series' title character, played by America Ferrera. According to her publicist, Liza Anderson, "Adriana has always been a huge fan of Ugly Betty and is thrilled for the opportunity to make a guest star appearance."


Since her rise to fame, Lima is often cited by popular media as one of the world's sexiest women. Lima was listed in the 2005 Forbes' edition of The World's Best-Paid Celebrities Under 25. Also, she ranked No.99th in the 2006 Forbes' edition of The Celebrity 100 (Forbes' Highest Paid and Powerful Celebrities in the World). Lima was chosen to be a part of People magazine's 100 most beautiful people in the world list, sharing that space with the Angels, with whom she also received a star on the Hollywood "Walk of Fame" prior to the 2007 Victoria's Secret Fashion Show. That same year, she ranked 7th on FHM's "100 Sexiest Women 2007" list and was awarded as the "Hottest Girl on the Planet" at the first Spike TV Guys' Choice Awards, although the category was not mentioned in the actual broadcast. Lima was also voted on the Maxim "Hot 100" 2007 at the #53 spot. She was voted #1 as the Most Desirable Woman in 2005 by visitors of the men's lifestyle website, (she placed 4th in 2006 and 2007, 10th in 2008, and 19th in 2009). Lima is also listed in the 2009 Guinness Book of World Records as the youngest model on Forbes' Celebrity 100 List.[citation needed] As of November 2008, featured her at No.1 on the list of the Sexiest Models today. In 2009, she was voted sixth in "FHM's Sexiest Women In The World".

Public image
Personal life
Victoria's Secret Angels Adriana Lima (left), Marisa Miller and Selita Ebanks ride in the Guantanamo Bay Christmas Parade Dec. 1, 2007

In addition to her native Portuguese, Lima speaks English, French, and a bit of Italian. Lima was shy around boys when she was younger, not receiving her first kiss until she was 17 years old. Afterward, the boy went directly to her mother to ask if he could marry her. She is a devout Catholic who attends church every Sunday.[28] In April 2006, she told GQ that she was a virgin. "Sex is for after marriage," she explained. "They [men] have to respect that this is my choice. If there's no respect, that means they don't want me." Staying true to her religious roots, she is known for taking a Bible backstage to read.

She has been romantically linked to musician/singer Lenny Kravitz and Prince Wenzeslaus of Liechtenstein.[14] In 2009 she married Serbian basketball player Marko Jarić; they wed in a private civil ceremony in Jackson Hole, Wyoming on Valentines Day. The couple originally planned on a large wedding in Salvador in June 2009, but the couple decided to opt for a wedding in each of their hometowns; both are scheduled to take place at the end of 2009.

Lima gave birth to her first child, a daughter, with husband Marko Jarić, named Valentina Lima Jarić on 15 November 2009. Lima's representative told People magazine: "Adriana and Marko are overjoyed that they are expecting their first child together and are excited to share the happy news and start their family together." She has also recently applied for Serbian citizenship.
[edit] Charity

Lima does charitable work helping with an orphanage, "Caminhos da Luz" (Ways of Light), located in her hometown. She helps with construction to expand the orphanage, and buys clothes for poor children in[35] Salvador, Bahia. She appeared on Var mısın? Yok musun?, the Turkish version of Deal or No Deal, where her prize money went to a hospital in Istanbul for children fighting leukemia.
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Thursday, November 26, 2009

Ancelotti: Lampard Could Start For Chelsea Against Arsenal

'Carletto' tips midfield star for weekend return.
Chelsea boss Carlo Ancelotti remains hopeful that Frank Lampard will be able to start against Arsenal in the crunch clash at the Emirates Stadium on Sunday.

The 31-year-old midfielder sustained a thigh injury while on international duty and has been sidelined since.

However, 'Carletto' has revealed that the former West Ham United player could make a return against the Gunners.

"He [Lampard] is working very well and trained well today," Ancelotti told Sky Sports.

"He could start the game [against Arsenal]."
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Cristiano Ronaldo Wants To Play And Win Against Barcelona

He says he doesn't care about the score as long as Madrid win.

Talismanic Real Madrid forward Cristiano Ronaldo says he wants to play in and win El Clasico against Barcelona at Camp Nou on Sunday.

Speaking after his return to first team action in the 1-0 win over FC Zurich, after an eight week lay-off, Ronaldo admitted that he felt tired and also praised the work of the team in his absence as Madrid lead in their UEFA Champions League group and the Primera Liga.

"I'm tired because I am not yet 100 per cent. In fact, it's almost like starting from scratch but I'm sure that I can return to being the player I was before injury, scoring goals, playing good matches and helping the team," he said afterwards, as quoted by AS.

"I want to play El Clasico if I feel good, but that [if he plays or not] is the responsibility of the coach [Manuel Pellegrini]. In any event, with me or without me, the team is first in the league and in the Champions League group."

Ronaldo also added that the scoreline against Barca is not important as long as his side wins. A win would leave Madrid four points clear at the top of the league going into December.
"Good players always have to play. Today I didn't score but I hope to do in the next game. I do not mind if it's 1-0, 2-0 or 2-1. The important thing is to win," he declared.
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Petr Cech: Porto Is No Easy Game For Chelsea

Keeper taking nothing for granted in Portugal…

Petr Cech has warned that Chelsea must not allow complacency to creep in when they face Porto in the Champions League tonight.
The Blues go head-to-head with their opponents to see which of them will top Group D. Despite already qualifying for the knock-out phase of the competition, Cech refuses to take anything for granted.

"We will see, we want to finish top but Porto away is not an easy game," the keeper told Chelsea's official website.

"We would like to win there and know we are sure to finish first but we will see. There are lots of games coming up.

"What helps is that against Wolverhampton Wanderers we put the young guys in and could rest some players.

"Some people were not in the squad, some people will not be in next time and at the moment we don't have too many injuries. Everyone is fit and has the energy to play the forthcoming games."

And defence is a crucial factor if Carlo Ancelotti's men are to succeed this season, according to Cech.

"I think that we have been playing well recently, more so at home but we have not made many mistakes at all," he added.

"You need a bit of luck as well and the most pleasing thing is we are scoring goals as well. Of course the victories are looking much better when you are winning three or four-nil, but we have some 1-0 wins as well, where the clean sheet really counts.
"You know if you score you have a huge chance of winning, which is what you need."
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Wednesday, November 25, 2009

BMW Gina

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Saturday, November 21, 2009

Эмч нар нь хаяад зугтсан галзуугийн эмнэлэг мэт Монголын төр

Өчигдрөөс эхлээд болгоомжтой байх хэрэгтэй боллоо. Гудамжинд алхаж явтал гэнэт цагдаа барьж аваад шанагатай аарц ам руу цутгаж мэдэх нь. Өгч байгаа аарц нь ус ихтэй байж магадгүй ч уухгүй гэвэл буудаж мэдэх тул том том балгах хэрэгтэй. Арайхийж өнөөхийг нь уугаад дуустал "за хүлээж бай одоо чацарганы шүүс ирж яваа " гээд тавихгүй бол яана аа. А хүрээний томуугаас сэргийлэхийн тулд иргэдэд аарц, чацаргана долоо хоногийн турш үнэгүй уулгаж гийгүүлэх шийдвэрийг Засгийн газраас гаргажээ. Тэгээд энэ гажигтай ажиллагаандаа 960 сая төгрөг зарцуулах гэнэ.
Тэд татвар төлөгчдийн мөнгийг "Увс хүнс" компани болон орон нутгийн ченжүүдэд тарааж өгөх гэнэ дээ. Ийм мэргэн шийдвэрийг бусад орон яагаад даган дууриахгүй байгаа юм бол. Аарц, чацаргана үнэгүй уугаад гахайн томуугаас аврагддаг бол тэр Америк, Мескик манай улсаас бушуухан аарц, чацаргана худалдаж аваад иргэддээ уулгаасай. Түүнээс нь Сангийн сайд мөнгө олж алдагдал зааж буй төсвийнхөө цоорхойг нөхөх хэрэгтэй гэдгийг мэддэггүй юм байх даа...

Хүн ер нь бага зэргийн сэтгэл мэдрэлийн өвчтэй байж болдог гэж байгаа. "Тэнэг хүний дуугүй нь сүртэй" гэдэг шиг аль болохоор түүнийгээ нууж олонтой газар хичээж явбал зүгээр баймаар. Гэтэл манай улсын төрийн эрх барих дээд байгууллага УИХ-ын эрхэм гишүүд "жаахан юм"-тайгаа нуух нь битгий хэл олон нийтэд зарлаж тэнэгээрээ гайхуулах нь ичмээр. Сэтгэц нь хэвийн бус ийм олон хүн нэг дор байгаа нь яг л галзуугийн эмнэлэг мэт санагдах боллоо. Гэхдээ галзуугийн эмнэлгийн өвчтнүүдийг эмч нар нь барьж аваад номхруулах цамц өмсгөх эсвэл унтуулдаг тариа хийж орхидог. Тэгээд л гүйцээ. Галзуурлын үе нь дуусч нийгэмд ямар ч хор нөлөө үзүүлэхгүй. Харин УИХ бол үүнээс өөр. Эмч нар нь хаалга үүдээ дэлгэж орхиод хаяад зугтаачихсан учраас дураараа галзуурч юу дуртайгаа хийж болох галзуугийн эмнэлэг мэт байсаар удлаа. Үгүй бод л доо. Ямаа уг нь өвс иддэг байлаа. Гэтэл мөнгө иддэг болов. Ямаанд худлаа хэлсэндээ санаа зовсон Ерөнхий сайд татвар төлөгчдийн мөнгөнөөс ямааны хувийг тэрбум тэрбумаар нь гаргаж совесьтоо үзүүлэв. Өмнөговь аймгаас сонгогдсон нэг гишүүн шинэ төрсөн ботго болгонд мөнгө амласанаар ингэ хээлтүүлэх ажиллагаа говийн гурван аймгаар өрнөж ат гуйж хадаг барьсан авгай хүүхнүүд элсэн дундуур хөшилдөв. Сувдан ээмэг санжигануулсан сайхан хүүхэн сайд болж гангарав. Томуугийн талаар асууж хоргоосон сэтгүүлчдийг өөрийгөө эргүүлж байдаг шалиг харчуултай эндүүрч "Сүржигнээд бай" хэмээн тас намжирдтал 15 хүн нас барж 15 айл уй гашууд автлаа. Саар өвчин гарахад сайхан хүүхний хэрэг байдаггүй гэдгийг амьдрал ийнхүү нотлов.

УИХ-ын гишүүд нь хууль хэлэлцэх ажлынхаа хажуугаар зам барина. Цоорхой хууль баталдаг шигээ цоорхой зам тавьж түмнийхээ үйлийг үзэж, аргыг нь барна. Бас бүгдээрээ хэрэгтэй хэрэггүй лиценз эзэмшинэ. Оюутолгой Тавантолгойн сургаар түүнийгээ эргэлтэд оруулчих санаатай Эрдэс баялгийн сайдыг хормойдно. Өнөөх нь аваад хартал хананд зүүдэг плакат барьчихсан явсан ч гэнэ. Зайлуул хөөрхийд лиценз гээд хэн нэг нь дамлачихсан байж. Зарим нь бүр өөрөө ч мэдээгүй суутал лицензтэй болсоноо гайхаж "За нэгэнт олчихсон юмыг эргүүлээд өгөлтэй нь биш, шингээчихье" гэж зүтгэнэ. Хөөрхийг Элчин сайдаар томилоход өнөөх улс нь галзуугийн сайн эмч олох гэж сандарсан гэсэн. Сайд асан төрдөө вагон шахна. Нэг ширхэг нь 280 мянган ам.долларын үнэтэй төмөр хайрцгийг тус бүрийг нь сая доллараар шахаж "цэнгэн" жаргана.

Хувьдаа ломбардтай, тэр байтугай хувьдаа намтай, бүр хөдөлгөөн холбоотой гишүүд бас бий. Ломбардтай нь өөрийгөө банктай гэж эндүүрдэг бол намтай нь өөрийгөө Ерөнхий сайд боллоо гэж зүүдэлнэ. Тэгээд түүндээ итгэчихээд ломбардаараа далайлган сайд болж, намаараа хуйвалдан төр эргүүлэх гэж эндүүрнэ. Боловсролын сайд нь хувийнхаа оюутны холбооноосоо өөртөө зориулан "Оюутны төлбөрийг багасага" гэсэн шаардлага төлөвлүүлж авна. Тэгээд нээрээ тийм шаардлага ирсэн мэт "Оюутны төлбөрийг хөнгөлнө хө" гээд задгай цагаан хатирч өгнө. Түүний ах галзуу нь бас нэгэн цагт ТЕГ-ыг гал тогооныхоо өрөөтэйгөө (ГТӨ) андуураад эхнэрээ оруулаад суулгачихсан байсан гэдэг.

Богд ууланд аялал жуулчлал татах зорилгоор инженерийн шугам сүлжээ оруулж цогцолбор барих гэтэл эндүүрээд орон сууцны хороолол барьчихсан гэж байгаа. Тэнд нь өөрсдөө нүүж ороод амьдарчихсан хойноо андуураад барьчихсан гэдгээ мэдсэн гэдэг. Тэгээд бамбарын аавын нэрэн дээр Батлан хамгаалахын сайдын нэрийг залгасан нөхрийн өмнө УИХ-ын Байнгын хороо хүчгүйдэж аргаа барахдаа "За за бүгдээрээ Монгол улсад жуулчилж байгаа юм чинь" гээд өнгөрсөн. Ийм л дэн дун нөхдүүд УИХ-д сонгогдчихоод өөрсдөдөө зориулж 500, 500 сая төгрөг цохуулж авна. Өдгөө ямар ч хувийн компанийн захирал өөрөө өөрийнхөө компаниас мөнгө цохож авах зүрх зориг байхгүй дээ. Гэтэл түмний мөнгөнөөс хэтэвчээ зузаалдаг гишүүд 76 ширхэг байна шүү. Тэд бас манлай уяач, алдарт уяач гэсэн элдэв гуншинд дуртай. Хөлдөө ороолдсон урт дээл өмсчихөөд жанжин малгайныхаа орой дээр бөө аятай том толь хадаж галзуурна. Энэ ч яамай. Одоо бүр бие биенээ танихаа байсан тул цул мөнгөн дээр алтан үсгээр "УИХ-ын гишүүн" гэсэн тэмдэг хийж зүүж байгаа гэсэн. Тэр тэмдгээр нь нэг галзуу нь нөгөө галзуугаа таньж байх учиртай гэнэ. Шоронгийн хоригдлууд хүртэл ижилхэн эрээн хувцас өмсөхөө байсан цагт УИХ-ын гишүүд им тэмдгээрээ ижилсэж байгаа нь тэнэг хүн тэмдэгэнд дуртай гэсэн үгийг үнэн болохыг нотолно. Яваандаа тэд хонь ямаа шиг чихэндээ им зүүж мэдэх вий. Эсвэл арьсан дор нь долгион цацагч суулгаж өгдөг юм билүү. Ард түмэн рүү ойртоод ирмэгц нь, гадны улсын хилээр орох үед нь өнөөх нь донгинож байвал зүгээр ч юм шиг. За тэгээд Хэнтий аймагт урсан ядаж байгаа Хэрлэн голыг хаа байсан Дорноговь руу татна гэж нэг дүвчигнэхэд нөгөө нь "Хэрлэн голоо хэрчүүлэхгүй шүү, түй май" гээд хэрэлдэж гарна. Хэн тэр голыг нь хэрчиж аваачаад хаа байсан Дорноговь руу урсгах гэж суухав дээ. Гэтэл бас урьд өмнө нь шүүгч байсан нэг нь зөвхөн гадаадынханд зориулсан хаалттай, гадуураа өргөст тортой, гаднаа хуягтай шорон шахуу казино байгуулна гэнэ. Нээрээ л байгуулчих гэж байгаа юм шиг нөгөө нь босч ирээд нударга зангидна. Ёстой л өөрсдөдөө таарсан юм ярьж түүнийгээ эсэргүүцэн энэ мэтийн адал явдалт ший дэглэж гарна. Заримдаа хошин шогийнхон ажилгүй болж Б.Цэнддоог фальтеон бичих сэдэвгүй болтол нь галзуурцгаана. Гэтэл бас нэг сонин юм ажиглагдлаа. Энэ галзуучуудаа гаднаас нь хараад атаархдаг, тэдэн дотор орж өвчнөө сэдрээхийг хүсдэг галзуучууд байна, хөөе. Найрын дуу дуулаад явдаг залууг гайгүй юм байх гэсэн чинь "жаахан юм"-тай гэдгээ харуулж өгөв. Өнгөрсөн орон нутгийн сонгуулиар Хан-Уул дүүргээс сонгогдсон Д.Загджавын залуу халаа Занданбат гэгч нөхөр иргэн бүрт 30 сая төгрөг өгнө гэж амлаад сонгогдох биш хөөгдөв. Араас нь Сумьяабазар гээч бөх метро барьж өгнө гэж галзуурдаг байгаа. Гэтэл хөөрхийгийн буруу биш аж. Нийслэлийн Засаг дарга байсан нэг галзуу тийм юм ярьсныг нь дууриасан нь тэр байж. Галзуучууд дотроо олон янз учраас дууриадаг галзуу нь арай хөнгөн хэлбэртээ тооцогдох байлгүй дээ. Иймэрхүү галзуугийн үйлдэл бүхнийг тоочоод байвал өөрөө ч галзуурч мэдэх тул ингээд орхилоо. Эмч нар нь зугтаад явчихсан галзуугийн эмнэлэг л Монголын төро шиг байх вий дээ.
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Thursday, November 19, 2009

Player Ratings: Slovenia 1-0 Russia (*2-2 agg.)

Slovenia defeated Russia to book their place at the World Cup in South Africa next year. rates the players on show.


Handanovic 8 - Had little to do in the first half against an impotent Russian attack. Called into action in the dying stages of the game after some reshuffling from Hiddink, the 'keeper making several strong, acrobatic and, above all, extremely important saves.

Jokic 7.5 - Brilliant in defence. Kept Arshavin's contribution to the game at an embarrassing low. Passed the ball well and had a shot himself in the latter stages of the game.

Suler 7 - Tried to come out when possible in the first half, having only one striker to deal with. Looked to create when he could, but was forced to remain defensive in the second period.

Cesar 6.5
- Did well to keep Pavlyuchenko quiet in the first half. Remained as solid as he could in the dying stages when Russia threw everything but the kitchen sink at the Slovenian defence.

Brecko 8 - Zhirkov was deployed as a left-winger to hassle the stalwart full-back, but there was no luck for Hiddink as Brecko continued to keep the Chelsea man, and his protege Yanbaev, from creating any danger whatsoever. An absolute gem of a player - expect more from the Koeln defender in the future.

Kirm 7
- Very animated tonight, delivered some good crosses. Not afraid to pick up the ball - a real improvement on his first leg performance

Koren 8 - Cleared up wonderfully, pulling the strings in midfield with expert precision and a very cool head. Had a few shots himself and always broke up play when needed.

Radosavljevic 7 - Hungry but quite sloppy with his tackles at times. Gave away a free kick in the first half that could have given the Russians a 1-0 lead. However, completely redeemed himself when he put in a game-saving tackle on Pogrebnyak in the dying stages of the match.

Birsa 7 - Was kept quiet on the right, but very positive the few times he received the ball. Provided the assist for Dedic's goal.

Dedic 8.5 - Scored the winning goal. Snooped around and made a huge nuisance of himself. Very sneaky and a real asset to the team.

Novakovic 6 - Held the ball up wonderfully, but like last week, failed miserably at getting the ball on target.


Pecnik 6.5 - The away goal super-sub handled the pressure well after he came on, producing some great, fresh-legged play with Koren as his assistant.

Stevanov N/A


Akinfeev 6 - Was not to blame for the goal and made some terrific saves. However, he was involved in the strange incident at the end that led to Zhirkov being sent off.

Yanbaev 5 - Hooked at the break as Hiddink decided to go with three at the back. Kept Birsa relatively quiet, but should not have been deployed in place of Zhirkov, who started on the wing.

Ignashevich 5
- Almost caused a penalty after getting on the wrong side of Dedic. Novakovic and Dedic turned both centre-backs far too many times. Poor defending this week from the Russian pair.

Berezutski 5 - Played identically to his partner, right down to almost conceding a penalty after getting on the wrong side of a wily Dedic.

Anyukov 5.5 - The better of the full-backs going forward, Anyukov had his work cut out for him as Kirm decided to play well in this leg.

Bilyaletdinov 4.5
- Failed to impose on the game and ended up in the book with a yellow card for bad behaviour. Not the two-goal hero we had seen last week.

Zyrianov 5.5
- Tried to remain as composed as possible while on the ball, but lacked any options from his team-mates as he looked to produce forward-thinking play.

Denisov 4.5
- Had no effect on the midfield area whatsoever. Another name that went in the book for petulance.

Zhirkov 4 - Ran into a brick wall over and over again in Brecko. Hiddink's thinking may have been to have Zhirkov's class outwit the solid defender, but Brecko even found time in his busy schedule to move forward and help with attacking. Sent off near the end for pushing over a Slovenian sub - what were you thinking, Yuri?

Arshavin 4
- If you hadn't seen Arshavin playing wonderfully for Arsenal, you'd really be wondering why Hiddink has made him captain. The fact that the playmaker somehow managed to play worse in the second leg than the first really has this pundit scratching his head in disbelief.

Pavlyuchenko 4 - Hooked at half-time having not produced anything resembling danger.


Kerzhakov 4
- Too aggressive in his play to the point that he was sent off after lashing out at Handanovic. Frustrations of playing against a terrific goalkeeper led to Kerzhakov tarnishing his reputation as a sportsman.

Sergei Semak 6.5 - The most effective of the substitutes, Semak was the only player who seemed to have any positive effect on the overall performance of the Russians.

Pogrebnyak 5 - Only had one real chance to score, but was thwarted by a heroic Radosavljevic at the end.
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France 1-1 Ireland: 'Hand Of Henry' Gifts Les Bleus World Cup Place

It was 'the Hand of Henry' that put the French through to the World Cup.

France saw off a resolute Ireland in the World Cup play-off after William Gallas' extra-time header gave Les Bleus a 1-1 result on the night to take the tie on aggregate. The hosts were second best for large spells of the encounter and had an outrageous piece of dishonesty from their captain, Thierry Henry, to thank for their place in South Africa. The Barcelona man controlled a Florent Malouda free-kick blatantly with his hand to give Gallas the chance to nod home from the most rudimentary of distances.

The Irish took a lead during their best period of the first half, leaving Raymond Domenech with the familiar sound of boos ringing in his ears at half time in Saint Denis.

Damien Duff, from a Kevin Kilbane pass, reached the by-line to shepherd the ball into the penalty box, from where Keane finished coolly for his 41st international goal on 33 minutes.

Through an opening period in which France failed to sufficiently trouble the Irish, the visitors could, and possibly should have had more on the board.

Liam Lawrence, industrious and effective, might have done better on 20 minutes when the impressive Keith Andrews played him in; the Stoke man elected to cross for Doyle when a shot looked a better bet.

Hugo Lloris was then charged with the task of saving at Keane's feet once the Ireland captain came close to making contact with Lawrence's knock-down in the six-yard box after some good work from Duff.

It was Lawrence again prominent when Doyle beat William Gallas to the punch from a right-wing cross; however, the Wolves man was off target.

France's cause was not helped by the early loss of Julien Escude, who was substituted due to a blood injury as early of the fifth minute. Notwithstanding, Les Bleus were not at the races in the first half, with only half-hearted strikes from Yoannn Gourcuff and Nicolas Anelka to show.

Immediately after the break, the hosts were not much brighter; O'Shea was allowed to control a Lawrence free-kick inside the area but volleyed over. That jolt seemed to bring some life to home legs though as France began to wrest a degree of control from the grasp of the Irish. More possession they may have had, they could still not trouble Shay Given.

Indeed, Ireland had a tremendous chance for two just on the hour when Doyle slid a pass across the French back-line for Damien Duff; the Fulham man's finish was weak and parried by the reliable Lloris when a goal looked forthcoming.

Anelka, from long range, and Gignac from inside the area, both had chances as the French broke out briefly as the half wore on but Given and Sean St Ledger respectively, stood resolute.

However, a Richard Dunne error almost gave Henry the chance to restore parity on the night and a French lead overall but Given kept him out from a tight angle.

As a jittery France committed more numbers forward, gaps were left in the back-line. Twenty minutes were left to play when Lawrence threaded a through-pass to Keane, who could only run the ball wide of Lloris and out of play with the goal at his mercy.

It was the same player who had the opportunity in injury time to seal a win inside regulation time; Lass dallied and his poor pass located the Spurs forward, who could only blaze over.

Extra-time was dominated by the French and they took the lead with only two minutes left in the half. Nicolas Anelka had tried his best to put the hosts ahead, with a long range drive and then forcing Shay Given into a challenge that could have seen a penalty given, but it was Gallas who provided the vital touch after a refereeing blunder.

Malouda's free-kick to the back post was controlled by the left-hand of Henry, who then fed the ball across the goalmouth, from where Gallas nodded home. The Irish were justifiably aggrieved but could not muster a response.

Indeed, Sidney Govou should have put a gloss on a poor French display in injury time at the end of the game, blasting over from mere yards.

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Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Antonio De Nigris Dies Of Heart Attack At 31

Former Mexican international Antonio De Nigris died on Sunday of a heart attack.

Antonio de Nigris passed away suddenly on Sunday, Nov. 16 in Greece. The Mexican player died due to a heart attack during the weekend.

The 31-year-old was a member AE Larissa.

The news was confirmed by Monterrey’s President Jorge Urdiales to Milenio Television saying, “We’d just like to inform that he died. At this moment we’re thinking about how to help Aldo and his family.”

His younger brother Aldo de Nigris is a player for Monterrey.

De Nigris played with the Mexican national team 16 times, scoring 4 goals in the process. He started out with Monterrey before a quick stint in America.

In recent years the player plied his trade in Turkey at Ankarasapor and Ankaragucu before moving on the Larissa in Greece.

De Nigris is survived by his wife Sonia and daughter Miranda.
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Arsenal Special: Van Persie Just The Latest In A Long Line Of Bizarre Injury Treatments

The striker's placenta massage treatment recalls a number of other weird, wonderful and obscure injury cures.

Robin van Persie has decided to place his injured right ankle in the hands of a Serbian housewife who specialises in healing massages using placenta fluid.

If the massages are successful, he believes they can help him reduce the orthodox medical prognosis of his recovery period from seven weeks to three.

"She is vague about her methods, but I know that she first massages you for a long time with placenta fluid," said van Persie. "I am going to give it a try. It can't do any harm and if it helps, it helps..."

Unusual? Yes. Bizarre? Er... yes, too. Risky? Unlikely. Unique? No. Plenty of other desperate, injured sportsmen have tried to recover using a wide range of bizarre methods.

And plenty of managers have tried a variety of weird and wonderful ways of hurrying players out of the treatment room and back on to the playing field.

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Report: Barcelona To Offer Toure & Krkic For Arsenal’s Fabregas

The Blaugrana could be set to make a stunning bid in an effort to prise the Gunners' captain away from north London.

Barcelona are desperate to tie up a deal to secure Arsenal's Cesc Fabregas for next summer, and they are lining up a swap deal that could see Yaya Toure and Bojan Krkic head to the Emirates.

Blaugrana president Joan Laporta is stepping down next summer. He wants to re-sign the Catalan midfielder, who would become a legacy of the Laporta-era.

Ever since taking over in 2003, the Camp Nou supremo has been irked by the Gunners' move to sign Fabregas from Barca's youth system.

Though Arsenal have resisted the Blaugrana's approaches for some time, the Spanish outfit's latest efforts could bear fruit, according to The Daily Mail.

Toure will be offered for Cesc along with Bojan. The pair are both unsettled at Barcelona, having seen their chances reduced this season by the emergence of other stars.

While the Ivory Coast midfielder is coming second in his battle for a place with Seydou Keita, Bojan has seen Pedro and Jeffren Suarez compete for the wide positions in Pep Guardiola's squad.

Arsenal manager Arsene Wenger may favour the bid as he is reportedly an admirer of both Barca players.

Real Madrid have also been linked with Fabregas. It is widely believed that family pressure would mean a move to Barcelona would be preferable for the playmaker.

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Report: Chelsea, Manchester United & Arsenal Queue Up For 'The Next Kaka'

A trio of the Premier League's big guns are eyeing the next big thing from Brazil.

Following England's 1-0 loss to Brazil, the British press have speculated that a host of the Premier League's biggest clubs are noting the young talent emerging from South America, and Chelsea, Manchester United and Arsenal have all been linked with 15-year-old prodigy Lucas Piazon.

Piazon, a forward from Sao Paulo, has been lauded as a future star for the Selecao, and has been likened to former FIFA World Player of the Year Kaka.

According to a report in The Daily Mirror, Piet de Visser - a scout for Stamford Bridge side Chelsea, was in attendance during a Brazil youth side's 4-1 mauling of Bolivia. Piazon stunned onlookers by scoring a hat-trick.

Piazon is not unknown to Premier League talent-spotters, as he was involved in a recent Nike Youth Cup, staged in Manchester.

Chelsea may be eligible to recruit talent in January, before their appeal against the transfer embargo imposed on them by FIFA for inducing Gael Kakuta to breach his contract is heard. The Blues have also been linked with Everton's rising star Jack Rodwell.

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Adebayor: No Regrets For Goal Celebration Against Arsenal

'Ade' believes he was right.

Emmanuel Adebayor has cranked up the volume ahead of the League Cup tie between Manchester City and Arsenal, explaining that he believes that he was right in celebrating the way he did after scoring against Arsene Wenger's men.

The striker still believes he did nothing wrong after running the length of the pitch and celebrating with fans of the Eastlands club, when he scored against the Gunners in a previous encounter between the two sides.

"I guess it was the way I felt treated that made me react the way I did after scoring that goal," Adebayor is quoted in The Mirror as saying.

"I did feel very hurt. I had been so excited to play against my old team-mates, but they didn’t want to shake my hand in the tunnel and then I heard the fans singing about my parents.

"After that, I had no choice. I can’t go into the crowd with them and start shouting, so I thought the best response would be to score."

He added: "Luckily, I managed to do just that and then the emotions took over, although I had calmed down before I got to them.

"It was just my way of saying, 'You let me go. See, I am not as terrible a player as you thought I was!'"

The League Cup tie is scheduled to take place in two weeks' time.

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Friday, November 13, 2009

CCNA 1 Module 2 Exam Result

CCNA 3.1 Semester 1 Module 2 Exam Result at 89.7% (use ctrl+F to faster the searching)

1. What makes it easier for different networking vendors to design software and hardware that will interoperate?

*OSI model
proprietary designs
IP addressing scheme
standard logical topologies
standard physical topologies

2. Refer to the exhibit. Identify the devices labeled A, B, C, and D in the network physical documentation.

A=bridge, B=switch, C=router, D=hub
*A=bridge, B=hub, C=router, D=switch
A=bridge, B=router, C=hub, D=switch
A=hub, B=bridge, C=router, D=switch

3. Refer to the exhibit. Which column shows the correct sequence of OSI model layers?


4. Which two features apply to WAN connections? (Choose two.)

*operate using serial interfaces
make network connection using a hub
limited to operation over small geographic areas
typically operate under local administrative control
*provide lower bandwidth services compared to LANs

5. Which layer of the OSI model provides network services to processes in electronic mail and file transfer programs?

data link

6. Which of the following are ways that bandwidth is commonly measured? (Choose three.)



7. Which of the following are factors that determine throughput? (Choose two.)

types of passwords used on servers
type of Layer 3 protocol used
*network topology
width of the network cable
*number of users on the network

8. Which term describes the process of adding headers to data as it moves down OSI layers?


9. Which best describes the function of the physical layer?

*Defines the electrical and functional specifications for the link between end systems.
Provides reliable transit of data across a physical link.
Provides connectivity and path selection between two end systems.
Concerned with physical addressing, network topology and media access.

10. Refer to the following list. Choose the correct order of data encapsulation when a device sends information.

1 - 3 - 5 - 4 - 2
2 - 1 - 3 - 5 - 4
2 - 4 - 3 - 5 - 1
4 - 3 - 1 - 2 - 5
* 4 - 1 - 3 - 5 - 2
3 - 5 - 1 - 2 - 4

11. The central hub has malfunctioned in the network. As a result, the entire network is down. Which type of physical network topology is implemented?


12 What is the term used to describe the transport layer protocol data unit?

data streams

13 Which three features apply to LAN connections? (Choose three.)

operate using serial interfaces
*make network connection using a hub
*limited to operation over small geographic areas
provide part-time connectivity to remote services
*typically operate under local administrative control
provide lower bandwidth services compared to WANs

14 A switch has failed in the network. As a result, only one segment of the network is down. Which type of physical network topology is implemented?

*extended star

15 Which layer of the OSI model provides connectivity and path selection between two end systems where routing occurs?

physical layer
data link layer
*network layer
transport layer

16 What is one advantage of defining network communication by the seven layers of the OSI model?

It increases the bandwidth of a network.
*It makes networking easier to learn and understand.
It eliminates many protocol restrictions.
It increases the throughput of a network.
It reduces the need for testing network connectivity.

17 Which of the following are layers of the TCP/IP model? (Choose three.)

*Network Access

18 Which of the following are data link layer encapsulation details? (Choose two.)

*A header and trailer are added.
Data is converted into packets.
*Packets are packaged into frames.
Frames are divided into segments.
Packets are changed into bits for Internet travel.

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CCNA 1 Module 3 Exam Result

CCNA 3.1 Semester 1 Module 3 Exam Result at 100% (use ctrl+F to faster the searching)

1 What are two advantages of using UTP cable in a networking environment? (Choose two.)

is stiffer than STP
*is less expensive than fiber
*is easier to install than coaxial

provides longer distances than coaxial provides
is less susceptible to outside noise sources than fiber is

2 What are two advantages of using fiber-optic cabling instead of UTP? (Choose two.)
lower cost

easer to install
*allows longer distances
*less effected by external signals

easier to terminate the cable ends

3 What is the difference between a wireless NIC and an Ethernet NIC?

The Ethernet NIC operates at 100 Mbps, whereas a wireless NIC operates at 10 Mbps.
The Ethernet NIC uses a PCI expansion slot, and a wireless NIC cannot use an expansion slot.
The wireless NIC uses CSMA/CA, whereas a Ethernet NIC uses token passing as an access method.
*The wireless NIC associates to an access point, and an Ethernet NIC attaches to a hub or switch using a cable.
The Ethernet NIC attaches to a hub or a switch using only fiber cabling, and a wireless NIC attaches to a wireless antenna using air as a network medium.

4 Refer to the exhibit. The JacksCo is a small start-up company that took over an office space from another small company that closed. The older company left a room of network equipment behind. An inventory list is shown. As the newly hired network technician, you have been asked to determine which components in the storeroom would be best to use to install a small wireless LAN that currently only needs the employees to be able to share data. Note that the wireless LAN also needs to connect to an existing wired LAN. Which components should you choose?

access point and wireless NICs
*wireless NICs, access point, straight-through cables, and a switch
hub, wireless NICs, two wireless bridges, crossover cables, and an access point
wireless NICs, Ethernet NICs, a switch, an external modem, two wireless bridges
Ethernet NICs, wireless NICs, switch, hub, two wireless bridges, straight-through cables, crossover cables, and a router

5 A company is converting a cabled LAN to a wireless Ethernet LAN. What must be changed on every host on the network?

No changes are required.
Each host will require a new IP address.
*Each host will require an appropriate NIC or adapter.
Each host will require that the operating system be upgraded.

6 Refer to the exhibit. Which answer correctly identifies the pinout of the UTP cables labeled Cable A, Cable B, and Cable C?

A=straight, B=rollover, C=crossover
A=rollover, B=crossover, C=straight
A=crossover, B=straight, C=straight
*A=crossover, B=straight, C=rollover
A=straight, B=crossover, C=rollover
A=rollover, B=straight, C=crossover

7 What factors should be considered when selecting the appropriate cable for connecting a PC to a network? (Choose two.)

type of system bus
motherboard model
*distance of cable run
*speed of transmission
computer manufacturer

8 Select the characteristics specified by 10BaseT. (Choose three.)

*twisted pair cable
T style connectors
*baseband transmission
10 gigabits per second data rate
*10 megabits per second data rate
decimal encoded data transmission

9 When is a straight-through cable used in a network?

when configuring a router
when connecting a host to a host
*when connecting a switch to a router
when connecting one switch to another switch

10 What type of cable is used to make an Ethernet connection between a host and a LAN switch?


11 Which of the following are used for data communication signals? (Choose three.)

*light patterns
*electrical voltages

controlled air pulses
mixed media impulses
magnetized fluid wave
*modulated electromagnetic waves

12 What does UTP cable rely on to reduce signal degradation caused by EMI and RFI?

properly grounded connections
RJ-45 connectors

13 Refer to the exhibit. What type of cable connects the two routers together without any intermediary device?


14 Which Ethernet implementation requires the signal on the media to be boosted at a maximum distance of 100 meters?


15 Which cable connectors are used to connect a cable from a router's console port to a PC? (Choose two.)

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CCNA 1 Module 4 Exam Result

CCNA 3.1 Semester 1 Module 4 Exam Result at 100% (Use ctrl+F for faster search)

1 A company needs to extend the LAN to six separate buildings. To limit the amount of signal attenuation on the LAN media, what type of media would be the best to use between the buildings?

air (wireless)
coaxial cable
shielded twisted pair
unshielded twisted pair

2 Which of the following are detected by the wire map test? (Choose three.)
near-end crosstalk (NEXT)

propagation delay
return loss
*reversed-pair faults
*short circuits

3 What is a cause of crosstalk in UTP cable?

cable pairs that are shorted
cable pairs crossed during termination
cabling runs installed in separate conduit
*cable pairs that are untwisted because of poor termination of the cable

4 A small company is experiencing difficulties on its LAN. After performing some tests, a technician has determined that the copper media supporting the LAN is experiencing abnormal attenuation. What are two possible causes of the problem? (Choose two.)

*defective connectors
*excessively long cable lengths
use of higher grade cabling
low frequency signals used in the media
network cable runs isolated from other cables

5 How are binary ones and zeros represented in fiber optic installations? (Choose two.)

+5 volts/-5 volts
0 volts/5 volts
*light/no light
high to low electrical transition
low to high electrical transition
*increasing/decreasing light intensity

6 What factors need to be considered to limit the amount of signal attenuation in Ethernet cable runs? (Choose two.)

type of users
number of users
*length of cable
type of electrical equipment
*installation of connectors on the cable

7 To ensure reliable LAN communications, what should a technician be looking for when attaching connectors to the ends of UTP cable?

that the white-orange/orange pair is attached first
*that the wire pairs remain twisted as much as possible
that one end of the shield is properly ground but not the other
that 50 ohm termination resistors are on both ends

8 Which of the following describes frequency?

length of each wave
height of each wave
*number of cycles each second
amount of time between each wave

9 What conditions are described when transmission signals from one wire pair affects another wire pair? (Choose two.)

resistance mismatch

10 What is expected when crosstalk is present in networks with higher transmission frequencies? (Choose two.)

*increase in crosstalk
higher signal attenuation
increases in cancellation effect
*destruction of more of the data signal

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CCNA 1 Module 5 Exam Result

CCNA 3.1 Semester 1 Module 5 Exam Result 100 % (use ctrl+F for faster search)

1 Refer to the exhibit. What is the appropriate cable to use at each of the numbered network connections?

1-crossover; 2-straight-through; 3-crossover; 4-straight-through
1-straight-through; 2-crossover; 3-straight-through; 4-straight-through
1-straight-through; 2-crossover; 3-crossover; 4-straight-through
*1-rollover; 2-crossover; 3-straight-through; 4-straight-through
1-rollover; 2-straight-through; 3-straight-through; 4-straight-through

2 Which two devices are considered OSI Layer 1 devices? (Choose two.)


3 What device is used to connect hosts to an Ethernet LAN and requires a straight-through UTP cable between the hosts and this device?


4 What is the most common type of cabling used in LANs?


5 In which situations would a crossover cable be used to connect devices in a network? (Choose two.)

switch to PC
*switch to hub
switch to router
switch to server
*switch to switch

6 Refer to the exhibit. How many collision domains exist in the network?


7 What type of cable would be used to make the connection between the console port of a router and a workstation?


8 Which function is a unique responsibility of the DCE devices shown in the exhibit?

transmission of data
reception of data
*clocking for the synchronous link
noise cancellation in transmitted data

9 Which address does a bridge use to make filtering and switching decisions?

source MAC
source IP
*destination MAC
destination IP
network IP address

10 What is characteristic of the operation of a hub?

selectively drops packets that represent potential security risks
*forwards a frame out all interfaces except the inbound interface
based on IP address, dynamically learns the interfaces to which all devices are attached
upon power on, queries the devices on all interface to learn the MAC addresses of the attached devices
transmits a frame to the specific interface to which the device with the MAC destination address is attached

11 Users with systems that are attached to a hub are complaining about poor response time. What device could replace the hub and provide immediate response time improvement?


12 Which of the following are benefits of peer-to-peer networks? (Choose three.)

centralized security
*easy to create
very scalable
*no centralized equipment required
*centralized administrator not required
centralized control of assets

13 Which statement is accurate about a WAN link?

*The link transmits data serially.
The link uses a maximum distance of 100 meters.
The link uses the same transmission rate as all other WAN links use.
The link uses the same standardized connector style that is used for all WAN technologies.

14 Which items in the exhibit are DTE devices?

A and B
B and C
C and D
*A and D
A, B, C, and D

15 At which layer of the OSI model does the MAC address of a NIC reside?

*data link

16 Refer to the exhibit. A technician measured the lengths of the CAT 5e structured cable runs in the exhibit. How should the technician evaluate the cabling shown in the diagram to the network administrator?

All cabling to work areas are within specifications.
Station A and B may experience intermittent problems because the length exceeds the recommended standard.
*Station B may experience intermittent problems because the length exceeds the recommended standard.
Station C may experience intermittent network connectivity because the length is less than the recommended standard.
Station A and B will have intermittent problems because the length exceeds the recommended standard.
Station C will not have network connectivity because the length is less than the recommended standard.

17 Which statement describes a typical use of Gigabit Ethernet?

to provide high-speed desktop connectivity for average users
to provide connectivity to low to medium volume applications
to provide medium volume connectivity to workgroup servers
*to provide high-speed connectivity for backbones and cross connects

18 The ends of a UTP cable are shown in the exhibit. Which cable configuration is shown?


19 The ends of a UTP cable are shown in the exhibit. Which cable configuration is shown?


20 Which of the following are benefits of a wireless network? (Choose two.)

higher data speeds
better security
less expensive NIC cards

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CCNA 1 Module 6 Exam Result

CCNA 3.1 Semester 1 Module 6 Exam Result met 100 % (use ctrl+F for faster search)

1 Refer to the exhibit. Host A is communicating with host F. What happens to a frame sent from host A to host F as it travels over the Ethernet segments?
*The frame format remains the same across each Ethernet segment.

2 How many hexadecimal digits are in a MAC address?

3 What are three functions of a NIC in a PC? (Choose three.)
*A NIC connects the PC to the network media.
*A NIC detects collisions on the Ethernet segment.
*A NIC passes the contents of selected frames to the upper OSI layers.

4 At what layer of the OSI model does a MAC address reside?

5 A router has an Ethernet, Token Ring, serial, and ISDN interface. Which interfaces will have a MAC address?
*Ethernet and Token Ring interfaces

6 In an Ethernet LAN, how does the NIC know when it can transmit data?
*An Ethernet NIC transmits data after listening for the absence of a signal on the media.

7 Which characteristics describe carrier sense multiple access collision detect (CSMA/CD)? (Choose three.)
*collision environment
*first-come, first-served approach

8 Which two devices can provide full-duplex Ethernet connections? (Choose two.)
*Layer 2 switch

9 On a local area network, one workstation can send data on the line while it is receiving data. What type of data transfer does this describe?
*full duplex

10 Refer to the exhibit. The small office network shown in the exhibit consists of four computers connected through a hub. Which configuration would cause collisions and errors on the network? *administratively configured full duplex

11 Refer to the exhibit. The switch and workstation are administratively configured for full-duplex operation. Which statement accurately reflects the operation of this link?
*No collisions will occur on this link.

12. Refer to the exhibit. All hosts are in listen mode. Host 1 and Host 4 both transmit data at the same time. How do the hosts respond on the network? (Choose two.)
*After the end of the jam signal, Hosts 1, 2, 3, and 4 invoke a backoff algorithm.
*If a host has data to transmit after the backoff period of that host, the host checks to determine if the line is idle, before transmitting.

13. When a collision occurs in a network using CSMA/CD, how do hosts with data to transmit respond after the backoff period has expired?
*The hosts return to a listen-before-transmit mode.

14 Which statement describes how CSMA/CD on an Ethernet segment manages the retransmission of frames after a collision occurs?
*The devices transmitting when the collision occurs DO NOT have priority for retransmission.

15 Refer to the exhibit. A technician wants to increase the available bandwidth for the workstation by allowing the switch and the NIC on the workstation to transmit and receive simultaneously. What will permit this?

16 Why do hosts on an Ethernet segment that experience a collision use a random delay before attempting to transmit a frame?
*A random delay helps prevent the stations from experiencing another collision during the transmission.

17 In which two layers of the OSI model does Ethernet function? (Choose two.)
*data link

18 Which of the following are specified by IEEE standards as sublayers of the OSI data link layer? (Choose two.)
*Logical Link Control
*Media Access Control

19 Where does the MAC address originate?
*burned into ROM on the NIC card

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