Saturday, November 21, 2009

Эмч нар нь хаяад зугтсан галзуугийн эмнэлэг мэт Монголын төр

Өчигдрөөс эхлээд болгоомжтой байх хэрэгтэй боллоо. Гудамжинд алхаж явтал гэнэт цагдаа барьж аваад шанагатай аарц ам руу цутгаж мэдэх нь. Өгч байгаа аарц нь ус ихтэй байж магадгүй ч уухгүй гэвэл буудаж мэдэх тул том том балгах хэрэгтэй. Арайхийж өнөөхийг нь уугаад дуустал "за хүлээж бай одоо чацарганы шүүс ирж яваа " гээд тавихгүй бол яана аа. А хүрээний томуугаас сэргийлэхийн тулд иргэдэд аарц, чацаргана долоо хоногийн турш үнэгүй уулгаж гийгүүлэх шийдвэрийг Засгийн газраас гаргажээ. Тэгээд энэ гажигтай ажиллагаандаа 960 сая төгрөг зарцуулах гэнэ.
Тэд татвар төлөгчдийн мөнгийг "Увс хүнс" компани болон орон нутгийн ченжүүдэд тарааж өгөх гэнэ дээ. Ийм мэргэн шийдвэрийг бусад орон яагаад даган дууриахгүй байгаа юм бол. Аарц, чацаргана үнэгүй уугаад гахайн томуугаас аврагддаг бол тэр Америк, Мескик манай улсаас бушуухан аарц, чацаргана худалдаж аваад иргэддээ уулгаасай. Түүнээс нь Сангийн сайд мөнгө олж алдагдал зааж буй төсвийнхөө цоорхойг нөхөх хэрэгтэй гэдгийг мэддэггүй юм байх даа...

Хүн ер нь бага зэргийн сэтгэл мэдрэлийн өвчтэй байж болдог гэж байгаа. "Тэнэг хүний дуугүй нь сүртэй" гэдэг шиг аль болохоор түүнийгээ нууж олонтой газар хичээж явбал зүгээр баймаар. Гэтэл манай улсын төрийн эрх барих дээд байгууллага УИХ-ын эрхэм гишүүд "жаахан юм"-тайгаа нуух нь битгий хэл олон нийтэд зарлаж тэнэгээрээ гайхуулах нь ичмээр. Сэтгэц нь хэвийн бус ийм олон хүн нэг дор байгаа нь яг л галзуугийн эмнэлэг мэт санагдах боллоо. Гэхдээ галзуугийн эмнэлгийн өвчтнүүдийг эмч нар нь барьж аваад номхруулах цамц өмсгөх эсвэл унтуулдаг тариа хийж орхидог. Тэгээд л гүйцээ. Галзуурлын үе нь дуусч нийгэмд ямар ч хор нөлөө үзүүлэхгүй. Харин УИХ бол үүнээс өөр. Эмч нар нь хаалга үүдээ дэлгэж орхиод хаяад зугтаачихсан учраас дураараа галзуурч юу дуртайгаа хийж болох галзуугийн эмнэлэг мэт байсаар удлаа. Үгүй бод л доо. Ямаа уг нь өвс иддэг байлаа. Гэтэл мөнгө иддэг болов. Ямаанд худлаа хэлсэндээ санаа зовсон Ерөнхий сайд татвар төлөгчдийн мөнгөнөөс ямааны хувийг тэрбум тэрбумаар нь гаргаж совесьтоо үзүүлэв. Өмнөговь аймгаас сонгогдсон нэг гишүүн шинэ төрсөн ботго болгонд мөнгө амласанаар ингэ хээлтүүлэх ажиллагаа говийн гурван аймгаар өрнөж ат гуйж хадаг барьсан авгай хүүхнүүд элсэн дундуур хөшилдөв. Сувдан ээмэг санжигануулсан сайхан хүүхэн сайд болж гангарав. Томуугийн талаар асууж хоргоосон сэтгүүлчдийг өөрийгөө эргүүлж байдаг шалиг харчуултай эндүүрч "Сүржигнээд бай" хэмээн тас намжирдтал 15 хүн нас барж 15 айл уй гашууд автлаа. Саар өвчин гарахад сайхан хүүхний хэрэг байдаггүй гэдгийг амьдрал ийнхүү нотлов.

УИХ-ын гишүүд нь хууль хэлэлцэх ажлынхаа хажуугаар зам барина. Цоорхой хууль баталдаг шигээ цоорхой зам тавьж түмнийхээ үйлийг үзэж, аргыг нь барна. Бас бүгдээрээ хэрэгтэй хэрэггүй лиценз эзэмшинэ. Оюутолгой Тавантолгойн сургаар түүнийгээ эргэлтэд оруулчих санаатай Эрдэс баялгийн сайдыг хормойдно. Өнөөх нь аваад хартал хананд зүүдэг плакат барьчихсан явсан ч гэнэ. Зайлуул хөөрхийд лиценз гээд хэн нэг нь дамлачихсан байж. Зарим нь бүр өөрөө ч мэдээгүй суутал лицензтэй болсоноо гайхаж "За нэгэнт олчихсон юмыг эргүүлээд өгөлтэй нь биш, шингээчихье" гэж зүтгэнэ. Хөөрхийг Элчин сайдаар томилоход өнөөх улс нь галзуугийн сайн эмч олох гэж сандарсан гэсэн. Сайд асан төрдөө вагон шахна. Нэг ширхэг нь 280 мянган ам.долларын үнэтэй төмөр хайрцгийг тус бүрийг нь сая доллараар шахаж "цэнгэн" жаргана.

Хувьдаа ломбардтай, тэр байтугай хувьдаа намтай, бүр хөдөлгөөн холбоотой гишүүд бас бий. Ломбардтай нь өөрийгөө банктай гэж эндүүрдэг бол намтай нь өөрийгөө Ерөнхий сайд боллоо гэж зүүдэлнэ. Тэгээд түүндээ итгэчихээд ломбардаараа далайлган сайд болж, намаараа хуйвалдан төр эргүүлэх гэж эндүүрнэ. Боловсролын сайд нь хувийнхаа оюутны холбооноосоо өөртөө зориулан "Оюутны төлбөрийг багасага" гэсэн шаардлага төлөвлүүлж авна. Тэгээд нээрээ тийм шаардлага ирсэн мэт "Оюутны төлбөрийг хөнгөлнө хө" гээд задгай цагаан хатирч өгнө. Түүний ах галзуу нь бас нэгэн цагт ТЕГ-ыг гал тогооныхоо өрөөтэйгөө (ГТӨ) андуураад эхнэрээ оруулаад суулгачихсан байсан гэдэг.

Богд ууланд аялал жуулчлал татах зорилгоор инженерийн шугам сүлжээ оруулж цогцолбор барих гэтэл эндүүрээд орон сууцны хороолол барьчихсан гэж байгаа. Тэнд нь өөрсдөө нүүж ороод амьдарчихсан хойноо андуураад барьчихсан гэдгээ мэдсэн гэдэг. Тэгээд бамбарын аавын нэрэн дээр Батлан хамгаалахын сайдын нэрийг залгасан нөхрийн өмнө УИХ-ын Байнгын хороо хүчгүйдэж аргаа барахдаа "За за бүгдээрээ Монгол улсад жуулчилж байгаа юм чинь" гээд өнгөрсөн. Ийм л дэн дун нөхдүүд УИХ-д сонгогдчихоод өөрсдөдөө зориулж 500, 500 сая төгрөг цохуулж авна. Өдгөө ямар ч хувийн компанийн захирал өөрөө өөрийнхөө компаниас мөнгө цохож авах зүрх зориг байхгүй дээ. Гэтэл түмний мөнгөнөөс хэтэвчээ зузаалдаг гишүүд 76 ширхэг байна шүү. Тэд бас манлай уяач, алдарт уяач гэсэн элдэв гуншинд дуртай. Хөлдөө ороолдсон урт дээл өмсчихөөд жанжин малгайныхаа орой дээр бөө аятай том толь хадаж галзуурна. Энэ ч яамай. Одоо бүр бие биенээ танихаа байсан тул цул мөнгөн дээр алтан үсгээр "УИХ-ын гишүүн" гэсэн тэмдэг хийж зүүж байгаа гэсэн. Тэр тэмдгээр нь нэг галзуу нь нөгөө галзуугаа таньж байх учиртай гэнэ. Шоронгийн хоригдлууд хүртэл ижилхэн эрээн хувцас өмсөхөө байсан цагт УИХ-ын гишүүд им тэмдгээрээ ижилсэж байгаа нь тэнэг хүн тэмдэгэнд дуртай гэсэн үгийг үнэн болохыг нотолно. Яваандаа тэд хонь ямаа шиг чихэндээ им зүүж мэдэх вий. Эсвэл арьсан дор нь долгион цацагч суулгаж өгдөг юм билүү. Ард түмэн рүү ойртоод ирмэгц нь, гадны улсын хилээр орох үед нь өнөөх нь донгинож байвал зүгээр ч юм шиг. За тэгээд Хэнтий аймагт урсан ядаж байгаа Хэрлэн голыг хаа байсан Дорноговь руу татна гэж нэг дүвчигнэхэд нөгөө нь "Хэрлэн голоо хэрчүүлэхгүй шүү, түй май" гээд хэрэлдэж гарна. Хэн тэр голыг нь хэрчиж аваачаад хаа байсан Дорноговь руу урсгах гэж суухав дээ. Гэтэл бас урьд өмнө нь шүүгч байсан нэг нь зөвхөн гадаадынханд зориулсан хаалттай, гадуураа өргөст тортой, гаднаа хуягтай шорон шахуу казино байгуулна гэнэ. Нээрээ л байгуулчих гэж байгаа юм шиг нөгөө нь босч ирээд нударга зангидна. Ёстой л өөрсдөдөө таарсан юм ярьж түүнийгээ эсэргүүцэн энэ мэтийн адал явдалт ший дэглэж гарна. Заримдаа хошин шогийнхон ажилгүй болж Б.Цэнддоог фальтеон бичих сэдэвгүй болтол нь галзуурцгаана. Гэтэл бас нэг сонин юм ажиглагдлаа. Энэ галзуучуудаа гаднаас нь хараад атаархдаг, тэдэн дотор орж өвчнөө сэдрээхийг хүсдэг галзуучууд байна, хөөе. Найрын дуу дуулаад явдаг залууг гайгүй юм байх гэсэн чинь "жаахан юм"-тай гэдгээ харуулж өгөв. Өнгөрсөн орон нутгийн сонгуулиар Хан-Уул дүүргээс сонгогдсон Д.Загджавын залуу халаа Занданбат гэгч нөхөр иргэн бүрт 30 сая төгрөг өгнө гэж амлаад сонгогдох биш хөөгдөв. Араас нь Сумьяабазар гээч бөх метро барьж өгнө гэж галзуурдаг байгаа. Гэтэл хөөрхийгийн буруу биш аж. Нийслэлийн Засаг дарга байсан нэг галзуу тийм юм ярьсныг нь дууриасан нь тэр байж. Галзуучууд дотроо олон янз учраас дууриадаг галзуу нь арай хөнгөн хэлбэртээ тооцогдох байлгүй дээ. Иймэрхүү галзуугийн үйлдэл бүхнийг тоочоод байвал өөрөө ч галзуурч мэдэх тул ингээд орхилоо. Эмч нар нь зугтаад явчихсан галзуугийн эмнэлэг л Монголын төро шиг байх вий дээ.
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Thursday, November 19, 2009

Player Ratings: Slovenia 1-0 Russia (*2-2 agg.)

Slovenia defeated Russia to book their place at the World Cup in South Africa next year. rates the players on show.


Handanovic 8 - Had little to do in the first half against an impotent Russian attack. Called into action in the dying stages of the game after some reshuffling from Hiddink, the 'keeper making several strong, acrobatic and, above all, extremely important saves.

Jokic 7.5 - Brilliant in defence. Kept Arshavin's contribution to the game at an embarrassing low. Passed the ball well and had a shot himself in the latter stages of the game.

Suler 7 - Tried to come out when possible in the first half, having only one striker to deal with. Looked to create when he could, but was forced to remain defensive in the second period.

Cesar 6.5
- Did well to keep Pavlyuchenko quiet in the first half. Remained as solid as he could in the dying stages when Russia threw everything but the kitchen sink at the Slovenian defence.

Brecko 8 - Zhirkov was deployed as a left-winger to hassle the stalwart full-back, but there was no luck for Hiddink as Brecko continued to keep the Chelsea man, and his protege Yanbaev, from creating any danger whatsoever. An absolute gem of a player - expect more from the Koeln defender in the future.

Kirm 7
- Very animated tonight, delivered some good crosses. Not afraid to pick up the ball - a real improvement on his first leg performance

Koren 8 - Cleared up wonderfully, pulling the strings in midfield with expert precision and a very cool head. Had a few shots himself and always broke up play when needed.

Radosavljevic 7 - Hungry but quite sloppy with his tackles at times. Gave away a free kick in the first half that could have given the Russians a 1-0 lead. However, completely redeemed himself when he put in a game-saving tackle on Pogrebnyak in the dying stages of the match.

Birsa 7 - Was kept quiet on the right, but very positive the few times he received the ball. Provided the assist for Dedic's goal.

Dedic 8.5 - Scored the winning goal. Snooped around and made a huge nuisance of himself. Very sneaky and a real asset to the team.

Novakovic 6 - Held the ball up wonderfully, but like last week, failed miserably at getting the ball on target.


Pecnik 6.5 - The away goal super-sub handled the pressure well after he came on, producing some great, fresh-legged play with Koren as his assistant.

Stevanov N/A


Akinfeev 6 - Was not to blame for the goal and made some terrific saves. However, he was involved in the strange incident at the end that led to Zhirkov being sent off.

Yanbaev 5 - Hooked at the break as Hiddink decided to go with three at the back. Kept Birsa relatively quiet, but should not have been deployed in place of Zhirkov, who started on the wing.

Ignashevich 5
- Almost caused a penalty after getting on the wrong side of Dedic. Novakovic and Dedic turned both centre-backs far too many times. Poor defending this week from the Russian pair.

Berezutski 5 - Played identically to his partner, right down to almost conceding a penalty after getting on the wrong side of a wily Dedic.

Anyukov 5.5 - The better of the full-backs going forward, Anyukov had his work cut out for him as Kirm decided to play well in this leg.

Bilyaletdinov 4.5
- Failed to impose on the game and ended up in the book with a yellow card for bad behaviour. Not the two-goal hero we had seen last week.

Zyrianov 5.5
- Tried to remain as composed as possible while on the ball, but lacked any options from his team-mates as he looked to produce forward-thinking play.

Denisov 4.5
- Had no effect on the midfield area whatsoever. Another name that went in the book for petulance.

Zhirkov 4 - Ran into a brick wall over and over again in Brecko. Hiddink's thinking may have been to have Zhirkov's class outwit the solid defender, but Brecko even found time in his busy schedule to move forward and help with attacking. Sent off near the end for pushing over a Slovenian sub - what were you thinking, Yuri?

Arshavin 4
- If you hadn't seen Arshavin playing wonderfully for Arsenal, you'd really be wondering why Hiddink has made him captain. The fact that the playmaker somehow managed to play worse in the second leg than the first really has this pundit scratching his head in disbelief.

Pavlyuchenko 4 - Hooked at half-time having not produced anything resembling danger.


Kerzhakov 4
- Too aggressive in his play to the point that he was sent off after lashing out at Handanovic. Frustrations of playing against a terrific goalkeeper led to Kerzhakov tarnishing his reputation as a sportsman.

Sergei Semak 6.5 - The most effective of the substitutes, Semak was the only player who seemed to have any positive effect on the overall performance of the Russians.

Pogrebnyak 5 - Only had one real chance to score, but was thwarted by a heroic Radosavljevic at the end.
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France 1-1 Ireland: 'Hand Of Henry' Gifts Les Bleus World Cup Place

It was 'the Hand of Henry' that put the French through to the World Cup.

France saw off a resolute Ireland in the World Cup play-off after William Gallas' extra-time header gave Les Bleus a 1-1 result on the night to take the tie on aggregate. The hosts were second best for large spells of the encounter and had an outrageous piece of dishonesty from their captain, Thierry Henry, to thank for their place in South Africa. The Barcelona man controlled a Florent Malouda free-kick blatantly with his hand to give Gallas the chance to nod home from the most rudimentary of distances.

The Irish took a lead during their best period of the first half, leaving Raymond Domenech with the familiar sound of boos ringing in his ears at half time in Saint Denis.

Damien Duff, from a Kevin Kilbane pass, reached the by-line to shepherd the ball into the penalty box, from where Keane finished coolly for his 41st international goal on 33 minutes.

Through an opening period in which France failed to sufficiently trouble the Irish, the visitors could, and possibly should have had more on the board.

Liam Lawrence, industrious and effective, might have done better on 20 minutes when the impressive Keith Andrews played him in; the Stoke man elected to cross for Doyle when a shot looked a better bet.

Hugo Lloris was then charged with the task of saving at Keane's feet once the Ireland captain came close to making contact with Lawrence's knock-down in the six-yard box after some good work from Duff.

It was Lawrence again prominent when Doyle beat William Gallas to the punch from a right-wing cross; however, the Wolves man was off target.

France's cause was not helped by the early loss of Julien Escude, who was substituted due to a blood injury as early of the fifth minute. Notwithstanding, Les Bleus were not at the races in the first half, with only half-hearted strikes from Yoannn Gourcuff and Nicolas Anelka to show.

Immediately after the break, the hosts were not much brighter; O'Shea was allowed to control a Lawrence free-kick inside the area but volleyed over. That jolt seemed to bring some life to home legs though as France began to wrest a degree of control from the grasp of the Irish. More possession they may have had, they could still not trouble Shay Given.

Indeed, Ireland had a tremendous chance for two just on the hour when Doyle slid a pass across the French back-line for Damien Duff; the Fulham man's finish was weak and parried by the reliable Lloris when a goal looked forthcoming.

Anelka, from long range, and Gignac from inside the area, both had chances as the French broke out briefly as the half wore on but Given and Sean St Ledger respectively, stood resolute.

However, a Richard Dunne error almost gave Henry the chance to restore parity on the night and a French lead overall but Given kept him out from a tight angle.

As a jittery France committed more numbers forward, gaps were left in the back-line. Twenty minutes were left to play when Lawrence threaded a through-pass to Keane, who could only run the ball wide of Lloris and out of play with the goal at his mercy.

It was the same player who had the opportunity in injury time to seal a win inside regulation time; Lass dallied and his poor pass located the Spurs forward, who could only blaze over.

Extra-time was dominated by the French and they took the lead with only two minutes left in the half. Nicolas Anelka had tried his best to put the hosts ahead, with a long range drive and then forcing Shay Given into a challenge that could have seen a penalty given, but it was Gallas who provided the vital touch after a refereeing blunder.

Malouda's free-kick to the back post was controlled by the left-hand of Henry, who then fed the ball across the goalmouth, from where Gallas nodded home. The Irish were justifiably aggrieved but could not muster a response.

Indeed, Sidney Govou should have put a gloss on a poor French display in injury time at the end of the game, blasting over from mere yards.

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Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Antonio De Nigris Dies Of Heart Attack At 31

Former Mexican international Antonio De Nigris died on Sunday of a heart attack.

Antonio de Nigris passed away suddenly on Sunday, Nov. 16 in Greece. The Mexican player died due to a heart attack during the weekend.

The 31-year-old was a member AE Larissa.

The news was confirmed by Monterrey’s President Jorge Urdiales to Milenio Television saying, “We’d just like to inform that he died. At this moment we’re thinking about how to help Aldo and his family.”

His younger brother Aldo de Nigris is a player for Monterrey.

De Nigris played with the Mexican national team 16 times, scoring 4 goals in the process. He started out with Monterrey before a quick stint in America.

In recent years the player plied his trade in Turkey at Ankarasapor and Ankaragucu before moving on the Larissa in Greece.

De Nigris is survived by his wife Sonia and daughter Miranda.
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Arsenal Special: Van Persie Just The Latest In A Long Line Of Bizarre Injury Treatments

The striker's placenta massage treatment recalls a number of other weird, wonderful and obscure injury cures.

Robin van Persie has decided to place his injured right ankle in the hands of a Serbian housewife who specialises in healing massages using placenta fluid.

If the massages are successful, he believes they can help him reduce the orthodox medical prognosis of his recovery period from seven weeks to three.

"She is vague about her methods, but I know that she first massages you for a long time with placenta fluid," said van Persie. "I am going to give it a try. It can't do any harm and if it helps, it helps..."

Unusual? Yes. Bizarre? Er... yes, too. Risky? Unlikely. Unique? No. Plenty of other desperate, injured sportsmen have tried to recover using a wide range of bizarre methods.

And plenty of managers have tried a variety of weird and wonderful ways of hurrying players out of the treatment room and back on to the playing field.

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Report: Barcelona To Offer Toure & Krkic For Arsenal’s Fabregas

The Blaugrana could be set to make a stunning bid in an effort to prise the Gunners' captain away from north London.

Barcelona are desperate to tie up a deal to secure Arsenal's Cesc Fabregas for next summer, and they are lining up a swap deal that could see Yaya Toure and Bojan Krkic head to the Emirates.

Blaugrana president Joan Laporta is stepping down next summer. He wants to re-sign the Catalan midfielder, who would become a legacy of the Laporta-era.

Ever since taking over in 2003, the Camp Nou supremo has been irked by the Gunners' move to sign Fabregas from Barca's youth system.

Though Arsenal have resisted the Blaugrana's approaches for some time, the Spanish outfit's latest efforts could bear fruit, according to The Daily Mail.

Toure will be offered for Cesc along with Bojan. The pair are both unsettled at Barcelona, having seen their chances reduced this season by the emergence of other stars.

While the Ivory Coast midfielder is coming second in his battle for a place with Seydou Keita, Bojan has seen Pedro and Jeffren Suarez compete for the wide positions in Pep Guardiola's squad.

Arsenal manager Arsene Wenger may favour the bid as he is reportedly an admirer of both Barca players.

Real Madrid have also been linked with Fabregas. It is widely believed that family pressure would mean a move to Barcelona would be preferable for the playmaker.

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Report: Chelsea, Manchester United & Arsenal Queue Up For 'The Next Kaka'

A trio of the Premier League's big guns are eyeing the next big thing from Brazil.

Following England's 1-0 loss to Brazil, the British press have speculated that a host of the Premier League's biggest clubs are noting the young talent emerging from South America, and Chelsea, Manchester United and Arsenal have all been linked with 15-year-old prodigy Lucas Piazon.

Piazon, a forward from Sao Paulo, has been lauded as a future star for the Selecao, and has been likened to former FIFA World Player of the Year Kaka.

According to a report in The Daily Mirror, Piet de Visser - a scout for Stamford Bridge side Chelsea, was in attendance during a Brazil youth side's 4-1 mauling of Bolivia. Piazon stunned onlookers by scoring a hat-trick.

Piazon is not unknown to Premier League talent-spotters, as he was involved in a recent Nike Youth Cup, staged in Manchester.

Chelsea may be eligible to recruit talent in January, before their appeal against the transfer embargo imposed on them by FIFA for inducing Gael Kakuta to breach his contract is heard. The Blues have also been linked with Everton's rising star Jack Rodwell.

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Adebayor: No Regrets For Goal Celebration Against Arsenal

'Ade' believes he was right.

Emmanuel Adebayor has cranked up the volume ahead of the League Cup tie between Manchester City and Arsenal, explaining that he believes that he was right in celebrating the way he did after scoring against Arsene Wenger's men.

The striker still believes he did nothing wrong after running the length of the pitch and celebrating with fans of the Eastlands club, when he scored against the Gunners in a previous encounter between the two sides.

"I guess it was the way I felt treated that made me react the way I did after scoring that goal," Adebayor is quoted in The Mirror as saying.

"I did feel very hurt. I had been so excited to play against my old team-mates, but they didn’t want to shake my hand in the tunnel and then I heard the fans singing about my parents.

"After that, I had no choice. I can’t go into the crowd with them and start shouting, so I thought the best response would be to score."

He added: "Luckily, I managed to do just that and then the emotions took over, although I had calmed down before I got to them.

"It was just my way of saying, 'You let me go. See, I am not as terrible a player as you thought I was!'"

The League Cup tie is scheduled to take place in two weeks' time.

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