Thursday, February 11, 2010


Шуудангийн Нэгдсэн код

Монгол улсын Засгийн газрын үйл ажиллагааны хөтөлбөрт тусгагдсан “Цахим Монгол” үндэсний хөтөлбөрийг хэрэгжүүлэх, мөн “Улс орны хэмжээнд нэгдмэл кодчлолыг бий болгосноор мэдээллийн нэгдсэн системийг бүрдүүлэх”, “Гудамж, талбай, албан байгууллага, айл өрх бүрийг хаягжуулж, шуудангийн бүсийн тогтолцоонд шилжүүлэх”, “Бүх шатны шуудан хүргэлтийн тогтолцоог боловсронгуй болгох” зорилтуудыг биелүүлэх ажлын хүрээнд ЗТАЖ-ын сайдын 2007 оны 06-р сарын 29-ний өдрийн 101 тушаалаар “Шуудангийн нэгдсэн код”-ыг баталлаа.

Шуудангийн нэгдсэн код нь дараах асуудлуудыг шийдвэрлэснээрээ урьд хэрэглэгдэж байсан шуудангийн кодоос давуу талтай юм. Үүнд:

Хотын захирагчийн албанаас гаргасан хаягийн журмыг алдагдуулахгүй байх
Хотын хэтийн төлөвлөлтөөр цаашид гарах өөрчлөлтүүдэд өртөж, тухайн хаягийн хэсгийн код хөдлөхгүй байх
Монгол улсын засаг захиргааны кодтой уялдуулах

Монгол улсын засаг захиргааны хуваарь өөрчлөгдөхөд хөдөлгөөн орохгүй буюу өөрчлөхөд хялбар өөрөөр хэлбэл кодын зохицуулалт хийх нөөцтэй байх
Хэрэглэгчдэд ойлгомжтой, хэрэглэхэд хялбар байх
Тухайн хаягийн хэсгийн газар зүйн байршлыг тодорхой хэмжээгээр тодорхойлох боломжтой байх.

Шуудангийн илгээмжийн хаягт эзний хаягийг үсгээр бичдэг боловч бүсчлэлийн кодыг хэрэглэснээр:

* Хаягаа алдаатай бичсэн байсан ч кодоо зөв бичсэн тохиолодолд таны шуудангийн илгээмж төөрөхгүй

* Шуудангийн ялгалтын ажиллагаанд нэвтэрсэн технологи учраас цаг алдахгүй хурдан хугацаанд хүргэх боломжийг бүрдүүлэх
* Иргэний бүртгэл мэдээлэл, нийгмийн даатгал, татвар болон банкны үйлчилгээг авахад хаягаа зөв тодорхойлсноор ямар нэгэн будлииангүйгээр үйчлүүлэх зэрэг давуу талтай.

Бүсчлэлийн нэгдсэн код нь 5 оронтой байх ба дараах форматтай байна:


13010 гэсэн кодыг
Угтвар код А – 1- Улаанбаатар хот
Эхний 2 орон АВ1 - 3- Улаанбаатар хотын Баянзүрх дүүрэг
Сүүлийн 4 орон В1В2В3В4 - 3010- Улаанбаатар хотын Баянзүрх дүүргийн хаягийн бүс болох Бага хуралдай

21011 гэсэн кодыг
Угтвар код А - 2 - Зүүн бүс
Эхний 2 орон АВ1 - 21- Зүүн бүс, Дорнод аймаг
Сүүлйин 4 орон 1В2В3В4 - 1010- Дорнод аймгийн зүүн зах, Халх гол сум
Сүүлйин 4 орон 1В2В3В4 - 1011- Халх гол сумын зүүн зах, Сүмбэр баг г.м

Шуудангийн нэгдсэн кодын 1-р орон нь засаг захиргааны нэгжийн кодын эхний 1-р орон бөгөөд засаг захиргааны нэгжийн кодын эхний 1-р орныг Монгол улсын бүсчилсэн хөгжлийн үзэл баримтлалтай уялдуулан Монгол улсын нийт 4 бүсэд хувааж, баруунаас зүүн тийш тэгш тоогоор дугаарлах зарчмаар зохиосон ба сондгой тоог нөөц кодод үлдээсэн байдаг.
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Tuesday, February 9, 2010

EXCLUSIVE: Poor Defending Has Cost Arsenal The Title - Martin Keown

Inability to defend as a team has cost Arsene Wenger’s men according to former great

Arsenal’s title challenge is now over. That’s the damning verdict of Gunners legend Martin Keown, who compares his old side to a heavyweight boxer that has been knocked out twice following their defeats against Chelsea and Manchester United.

Speaking exclusively to UK, the former England international blamed the north Londoners' inability to defend as a team and gung-ho attacking approach for their current malaise.

Clearly hurt by the recent run of poor results, Keown was full of criticism for the Arsenal back-line, blaming the centre-backs for their inability to win the battle with Didier Drogba and the full-backs for their relentless bombing forward.

Nevertheless, he insisted that for as long as Arsene Wenger is manager, Arsenal will never alter their attacking style of play to suit the opposition.
“It’s like watching two heavyweight boxers,” he explained, referring to the Gunners' recent matches. “If someone connects first, the guy gets knocked out cold and Arsenal have been knocked out cold twice now – now their Premier League season is over.”

Known as ‘The Rash’ during his playing days because of his abrasive but effective man-marking methods, Keown believes he has the key to stopping Chelsea striker Didier Drogba. “Somebody had to upset his rhythm,” he says. “The problem with playing against Drogba is that you don’t deal with him when the ball goes to him, you deal with him well before he receives the ball. Way before that you need to make sure you take his space, you’re strong, you’re dominant, you win that battle.”

If Arsenal still had their famous back five in defence then perhaps they’d still be in the title race, but sadly, according to the veteran, the current lot simply don’t compare.

“OK, they still play the offside trap,” he says, “but they don’t press the ball like we did. Then again it’s what you get from the players in front of you - you need to make sure you defend as a team.

“As a defender, if the player in front of you doesn’t put pressure on the ball, then you have to drop off and that creates lots of space. That’s how the opponent gets time to hurt you – he can pick his passes or put the ball in the back of the net.”

The Gunners' French defenders Gael Clichy and Bacary Sagna are then hit by Keown’s line of fire. “If you’re a full-back and you keep going forward all the time and they keep punishing us in that hole, then you have to start picking and choosing how many times you get forward,” he says. “You have to ask yourself the question, ‘are you creating a problem for the opposition or for the team?’.”

The Arsenal midfield doesn’t escape the gnarled ex-stopper’s ire either. “We can’t all go forward,” he says in exasperation. “Somebody has to sit in midfield and occupy space and slow the opposition down.”

Following this disastrous week that has seen them go from title contenders to defeated lightweights, many have pinpointed the Gunners' relentlessly attacking style of play as the cause of their demise. Nevertheless, Keown doesn’t expect Wenger to temper his approach any time soon.

“The philosophy of the manager is that he creates this belief in the players that they will conquer all with their own play,” he says. “Arsenal are losing games by trying to win them but when you’re playing against the heavyweights you’re going to get hurt sometimes.”
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Real Madrid's Kaka: It Would Be Nice If Atletico Would Lend Us A Hand

The Brazilian was all smiles after his goal on Saturday...

With a broad smile after a commendable performance this past weekend against Espanyol which was capped with a goal, Real Madrid's Kaka gave a press conference today after training.

Commenting on the goal that served as a catharsis after suffering a sports hernia that has kept him out of peak form for over 40 days, the Brazilian spoke of the weight being removed from his shoulders, as reported by AS.

"The goal was very special because it had been a few months since I had scored and a lot of time without playing. Against Espanyol, it was a good match and I felt more free. Every day my condition improves and one will see better things out of me."

As for reports that his sports hernia may be a chronic injury, Kaka spoke of leaving the past in the past. "The sports hernia is a thing of the past, I am no longer injured and we should consider this issue as good as gone."
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Euro 2012 Draw: Italy Meet Serbia, Germany-Turkey & Portugal-Denmark

The qualifying draw for Euro 2012 was made in Warsaw, Poland with Group C arguably the toughest where Italy, Serbia and Slovenia were placed together.

Group A is also intriguing as Germany, Turkey and Austria were all drawn in the same pool while Portugal once again tackle Denmark in Group H.

Holders Spain have a relatively easy-looking group, although they will have to watch out for the Czech Republic and Scotland. England have an interesting British derby against Wales in Group G:

Group A


Group B

Republic of Ireland
FYR Macedonia

Group C

Northern Ireland
Faroe Islands

Group D


Group E

San Marino

Group F


Group G


Group H


Group I

Czech Republic
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The Full English: Dropping Out

With Arsenal fading...and fast, a midweek bout with Liverpool takes the top billing in today’s special edition of “The Full English.”

I never thought it possible, but could Arsenal, Arsene Wenger and Gooners fans across the world be running out of excuses? No way, right?! Two losses on the trot against Manchester United and Chelsea have our boys now holding on to third place by an ever-slimming margin.

Oh and look! Liverpool are coming to town with the hopes of piling more pressure on the bruised and beaten kids in red. Obviously, that’ll be our highlight match for this round of midweek fixtures.

From there it’s up to Villa Park for a tasty return match between Aston Villa and Manchester United. To top off this Monday TFE, I’ll cast my all-seeing gaze a bit further north to Lancashire and the Super Bowl-caliber bash between Blackburn and Hull.
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