Saturday, March 6, 2010

Arsenal Manager Arsene Wenger Stands By Criticism Of Ryan Shawcross '100 Per Cent'

Frenchman still unhappy with incident that left midfielder with a broken leg...

Arsenal manager Arsene Wenger has defended his post-match comments about Ryan Shawcross's tackle that left midfielder Aaron Ramsey with a broken leg.

The Welsh midfielder was left fractured tibia and fibula after the tackle by the Stoke City defender, a challenge Wenger branded "horrendous and unacceptable" after the game.

And the Frenchman's view does not seem to have changed after a week to reflect on the incident.

"I stand by what I said 100%," Wenger said.

"I knew exactly what would happen the whole week, that was quite easy to predict."

Wenger appreciates there is always a place in the game for tough tackling, but believes players have to be more disciplined in their approach.

"I can understand people want to be committed against us, and I have no problem with that," he said.

"I love the commitment of the English game. I don't want to change that and it makes the game even more attractive, but high commitment demands fair intention as well.

"I admire a great technical tackle as much as a creative pass.

"A tackle is an art in itself - that means you always have your eye on the ball, never with a high foot, in your tackle you can already make a pass.

"To close your eyes and go in too physical, that does not mean it is intention, but there is danger. We have some good tacklers in this league, some who are not good - but that does not mean you go into it trying to break a leg.

"It is not Arsenal against the rest of the world. What I say here is valid for the Arsenal players as well."

Arsenal eventually emerged 3-1 winners in the game against Stoke, and can supplant Chelsea at the top of the Premier League with a four-goal victory over Burnley at the weekend. Wenger is hoping his players can put the Ramsey controversy to one side and concentrate on continuing their title challenge.

"All the rest is to go into unneeded controversy. I don't see how that can help football or Aaron Ramsey," Wenger said.

"For us, Stoke was a vital victory and has put us in a good position for the rest of the season.

"It is down to how consistent we can be, how much we turn up from the first minute until the 90th minute - all that will decide our championship."
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Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Real Madrid And Barcelona Top Premier League 'Big Four' As Highest Earning Clubs In World Football

• La Liga has two biggest earners – but no other Spanish teams in top 20 • Premier League remains strongest with seven clubs • Champions League is ‘biggest money spinner’ • Emerging giants Manchester City are new entry in top 20 • Tottenham Hotspur biggest ‘over-achievers’ in revenue

Real Madrid and Barcelona have topped a list of the highest earning football clubs in the world

The Spanish giants scored a double victory over their Premier League rivals, pocketing a combined €767 million during the 2008/09 season, according to the annual Deloitte Football Money League.

Real Madrid, whose commercial credentials have since been bolstered further with the signings of global superstars Cristiano Ronaldo and Kaka, top the list for the fifth year in a row, becoming the first club in any sport to make €400 million in a year.

And after defeating Manchester United in last year’s Champions League final, Barcelona have also ousted the Red Devils from second place on the index – raking in €366 million in a extraordinarily successful season which saw the Catalans scoop a domestic double too.

But despite having the top two highest earning clubs– the La Liga ‘duopoly’ is underlined by the fact that there are no other Spanish clubs in the top 20 – the next wealthiest in the country is Atletico Madrid in 22nd place.

England has the largest representation of any country with seven clubs out of 20.

The ‘big four’ on the pitch remain the big four off it with Arsenal, Chelsea ad Liverp
ool occupying the 5th to 7th positions respectively, thanks largely to their sustained participation in the Champions League.

The Football Money League is compiled by leading business advisory firm Deloitte and focuses on the revenue earned by each club – not expenditure such as wages and debt management.

Dan Jones, a partner in Deliotte’s Sports Business group told UK that Real Madrid’s and Barcelona’s ability to sell broadcasting rights to their matches individually gave them the edge on English opposition.

He said: “Obviously Real Madrid and Barcelona are huge brands and hugely successful clubs but the fact they are able to sell TV rights individually gives them the edge on the Premier League clubs, whose rights are sold as part of a package.

“Real Madrid made €160.8m (£136.9m) from broadcasting last season – whilst Manchester United are quite far behind that earning €117.1m (£99.7m).

Jones said that despite English clubs losing out to their Spanish rivals, the Premier League had experienced a successful season.

He continued: “Yes you cannot ignore the fact that Spain has the top two, but if you go down the list you will see seven Premier League clubs. The ability to earn revenue is more evenly-spread.”

Jones said Tottenham Hotspur was a ‘classic example’ of a club punching above its weight in earnings.

“Tottenham have been in our top 20 every single year without playing in the Champions League. They are Premier League stalwarts, a London club, so are in a good market in that sense. The history of the club remains strong, so if they qualify for the Champions League they could get back into the top ten."

And despite being the wealthiest club in the world, ambitious and big-spending Manchester City are only 19th in the list – but break into the top 20 for the first time.

“Manchester City still have a lot to do to match the revenues of their more illustrious neighbour," added Jones.

"Qualifying for the Champions League can play a big part – and is the biggest money-spinner. The direct impact can generate €50 million-a-year. Also longer term if you repeatedly qualify it helps with sponsorships and kit deals. But you can see the club are putting all the building blocks in place – their supporter base is going up as is their matchday revenue.”

All of the top 20 clubs are from the ‘big five’ European leagues with Germany contributing five clubs, Italy four, and France and Spain represented by two clubs each.

There is little change in the top 20 clubs compared with last year with two new clubs, Werder Bremen and Manchester City, replacing VfB Stuttgart and Turkish club Fenerbahce.

The report also makes dismal reading for fans of Italian football. Juventus, Inter and AC Milan occupy positions eight to ten on the list.

But, as the Deloitte report warns: “There has been a gradual decline in Italian clubs’ positions in the list in recent years emphasising the need to address a number of issues specific to Italian football, particularly with regard to matchday revenues, if they are to remain competitive with the elite clubs in European football.”

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Sunday, February 28, 2010

Монголын Орон Байрны талаар миний бодол, Харин залуучууд та нар?

Бүгдэд нь Монголын нэг өдрийн мэнд. Өнөөдөр монголчууд бидний амьдрал үхдэг ч үгүй мөхдөг ч үгүй нэгэн хэвийн гаж сонин циклээр явсаар л, үргэлжилсээр л... Залуучуудын хувьд ХЭЗЭЭ? гэдэг үг цээжинд нь зоогдоостой байсаар л... Миний өгүүлэх гээд байгаа гол зүйл бол мэдээж Монголдоо сайхан амьдрахын тулд ядаж өөрийн гэсэн орон байртай, эрүүл тайван орчинд тогтсон ажлаа хийгээд энх тунх л амьдрах тухай сэдвээр ярих гэсэн юм. Ийм зүйлийг биелүүлж амьдрахын тулд бид яах ёстой вэ? Жишээ нь Барилгын нэг компани 1мкв 1200-1300$.

Жирийн нэг над мэтийн залуучууд Сарын 400-500 мянган төг цалинтай байдаг, тогтсон ажлаа хийгээд авсан цалингаараа байр авна гэдэг нь минийхээр ямар ч тэнэг эдийн засагч бодсон боломжгүй байгаа гэдэг нь тов тодорхой байсаар байхад энэ мэт байдал үргэлжилсээр л... тэгээд залуучууд бид яах вэ, томоохон албан газар байгууллагууд ажилчиддаа байр өгнө гэх мэт байх боловч энэ санаа нь бас л бүрэн утгаараа төгс хэрэгжиж байна гэж би лав хэлэхгүй. Бас нэгэн жишээ тэнэг боловч даанч харамсалтай нь үнэн: -Дорж гэж залуу нэгэн томоохон албан газарт хамаг залуу нас бие сэтгэлээ зориулан ажиллаж байж сая л нэг насны эцэст байрны түлхүүр атгаж насыг барав. Бид нэг иймэрхүү дүр төрхтэй амьдарцгааж байна, дээр нь тэр эрүүл орчинг яриад ч хэрэггүй биздээ. Бидэнд тэгэхээр одоо юу хэрэгтэй байна гэхээр ерөөсөө л төрийн бодлого, за төрийн гэхээ больё тэнэг бөгөөд бүтэхгүй сонсогдож байна Монгол Улсын Орон байрны Бодлого хэрэгтэй байна. Яахав гэхээр ерөөсөө бусад хөгжиж буй орнуудаас жишээ авъя л даа, яадгийн хятад сайн хуулж байна муудсан юм алга биднээс л дээр байна. Биднээс бусад нь залуу сайхан үедээ байр орон, машин тэрэг, эд хогшил гээд юу л байна бүх юм зээлийн системтэй байхад бид яагаад ийм ядуу зүдүү, бохир заваан амьдраад байгаан бэ? Ийм амьдралыг ямарч боловсролтой залуу хүн хүсэхгүй гэдэг нь мэдээж шүү дээ боломж л олдвол энэ Утаанбаатар гэдэг нэртэй аквариумаас зугтмаар л байгаа, нуулгүй хэлэхэд зүгээр л шууд үнэн, эх оронч сэтгэлгээ гэдэг юм байхгүй устаж байна гэж хэлэхэд бараг хэлсдэхгүй байхаа. Монгол Улс тэгээд Бид хөгжсөн үү гэвэл би үгүй гэж хэлнэ. Зүгээр нэг энгийн жишээ: Бид хэдхээн жилийн өмнө Оросуудыг гар утас баридаггүй гэж шоолон инээлддэг байсан байх харин бид өөрсдөдөө Солонгос, Хятадын утас бариад л гадаадын хөрөнгө оруулалттай гадаад оператор хэрэглээд хамаг мөнгөө гадагш нь сэгсрүүлээд л явж байгаа, 10 жил явсан хуучин машинаар Утаанбаатар хотын нарийхан хэдэн барзгар зам өдөржингөө бөглөөтэй бид Яаг үнэндээ ийм л байна. Харин Орос ах нар бол тэгж сэгсрүүлэх хүмүүс биш ядаж л үндэсний оператороо хэрэглэж дотоодын эдийн засгаа тогтвортой байлгаж байгаа хүмүүс. За залуучуудаа уучлаарай үнэн үг цээжнээс урсан гарсаар зогссонгүй баахан халуурчихлаа. Бид өнөөдөр ядаж байртай болохын тулд хийх юм байнаа, улсаа ч гэсэн хөгжүүлж болох юм. Төр засаг нь хийхгүй бол яадаж Төмөр зам ч юмуу ИНЕГ гэх мэт Монголын томоохон байгууллага ажилчидынхаа нийгмийн асуудлыг зээлийн хэлбэрт оруулан шийдэж энэ гацаад байгаа барилгын салбарын хүнд арааг эргүүлээд эхлүүлчихэж болохгүй гэж? Дорж ч бай хэн ч бай байгууллагадаа ажилтай байна гэдэг нь амьдралтай байх баталгаа нь байх ёсгүй гэж? Тухайн хүн ийм байдалтай байр оронтой аз жаргалтай байхад өөрийн амьдралын баталгаа болсон ажилдаа сэтгэлээсээ хандахгүй гэж үү? Зээл гэхээр мэдээж мөнгө санхүү яригдана өнөөдөр залуучууд бид нарт ууцны махны 70.000, Хайр сэтгэлгүй суусны 500мянга яс юман дээр ямарч хэрэггүй байна шүүдээ... За тэгээд уужуухан шиг сэтгэж ухаантайхан л амьдармаар байна. Миний бичсэн зүйлс их жоохоон уншаарай залуусаа ердөө А4 ийн нэг нүүр...
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